Ian K

I expected some epic steel pounding and folding forge action with the lead in about the amount of work required.

It's not the dealers either. And it's not their name on the lease.

Don't stress it man. If you look at Sam and Trolls comments it's all put downs and flames.

Apparently people having differing opinions and sharing them in a civil manner is not to be tolerated.

I find it curious that it's not "could Ukrainian forces have short down MH17?"

So, good jeorb there. The US State Department appreciates your work. Carry on.

like nascar...

I have. They make great mid range and budget compacts. Their design language is pretty good. Saw a K900 on the road on the way to work and it is a really sexy car.

But you need to earn the right to sell a $60K luxo barge. And Kia has a huge deep hole of crap car reputation to dig out of, even with their more recent

There's such a thing as a $66K Kia? LOL.

But X-Wing didn't use sprites. This is more "Wing Commander" ish.


Love the pearl clutching folks in this thread. OMG! Those boys are waving dildos! THE CHILDREN!##@@##$$!!!!


If you think it no effort, knock yourself out. You are obviously a software engineer of unprecedented talent and caliber.

Like Tesla cares. They got his money and he paid twice what the rest of us pay. So fukc that 'tard.

He was just getting ahead of himself...

4K is pointless below around 65" at typical viewing distances. And continues to be pointless on any display that would fit in most homes. 8K is nuts.

Big ass cinema screens use real "4K", not the slightly less than 4K we see in consumer devices and nobody complains about ZOMG TEH PIXULZS!

I'd rather have 1080p/120

Don't worry. I'm sure it'll be populated by 12 year olds calling us "fag" and "gay" all the time. Just like Halo.

Had me up until here:

Paid for by investors? The stadiums are rarely paid for by investors. Here is Seattle we got two tax payer funded ass grab/high five facilities against tax payer wishes.

It's 720p/60 which is actually better for most sports than 1080i/30. Framerate trumps megapixels.

But then again, ABC borked the presentation.

Why is anyone shocked by this? It's like NBC and the olympics with their 10% sporting events/ 90% bullshit Zombie Costas people stories.