Ian K

64 yr old was British, that was his hard Brexit.

...you realize there are teenagers with D-cups, right?

oh god @ these people in the comments section performing olympic-level mental gymnastics to defend their borderline pedophilia

They need a better evacuation plan. 

I’m guessing “We programmed it so we could giggle like a bunch of hormonal 12 year old boys during testing but then forgot to take it out again” didn’t make for very good spin.

I want an edge transit that shoots edge transits.

“common complaints are that KFC is too expensive, too greasy and not crispy”

Let me remind everyone that this is not censorship. Censorship implies that the government has banned the episode in question. This is not the case as its still possible to stream the subbed version of the episode. No, what has happened was that the distributor to the Pokemon anime has decided not to localize this

This is probably the most visually stunning game I’ve ever seen and yet it still looks so fucking boooooooring.

Posted it before, but found this hilarious.


People who steal electric cars should be charged with battery.

There is a Chinese cultural pressure to cheat. You can see it in how they routinely and blatantly rip off intellectual property and pay no price for it. Fake KFC, fake McDonalds, fake Apple stores, fake World of Warcraft theme parks...the list goes on. Their culture doesn’t have the same stigma around being a cheat

“When is a Tesla not a Tesla?”

Come on, now - “Masterpiece?” Really? Devilman was, at best, the equivalent of somebody who took a freshman-level philosophy course, understood some of it, and now loves pretentiously showing how “deep” they are. It makes attempts at symbolism and metaphor, but undermines every symbol it tries to evoke with its


This is the correct take.

Should the tax credit for EV’s be kept or not is debatable, there’s pros and cons on both sides.

Methinks you protest too much my friend, no one would assume she was your waifu unless YOU said she was. If she’s not, then she’s not? You don’t have do defend yourself to anyone?? Fuck what anyone thinks.

FFS we are talking about meaningless cosmetic items here. The game is a blast and you were never going to buy it anyways, so save your self-righteous bullshit for something else, because you look like a tool here.