ITT: people who will also tell you they don't watch TV anymore since MASH went off the air then yell at you to get off their lawn.
ITT: people who will also tell you they don't watch TV anymore since MASH went off the air then yell at you to get off their lawn.
And now we know why teriyaki joints are always closed on Sunday...
Well, he and Don "I married a pile of money" Mattrick can drive Zynga the rest of the way into the ground with their stilted dude-bro keynotes and insincere presentations. Nobody will care.
I guess now we know what Martin is no longer running the company...
Tried it on the PC. Meh. Total Pay2Win. Here's your selection of sucky tanks. Have fun. Oh. You can upgrade. BUY MORE FAKE MONEY. No thanks.
"his last chance to save Scott" Because there's no way to survive a one wheel up landing in a small plane. NO WAY. IT'S MADNESS!
Since when had the rainbow effect ever been an issue with LCD? lol.
Her behavior strikes me as very immature and entitled. Good luck getting a job in the industry now. She was hired based on some impressive maker action, right?
You just cannot build that sort of thing in the real world.
Reminds me of "Tresspasser" where a handgun would slide and tumble down a 4 degree slope that was (apparently) made of butter.
THIS. A bunch of fucking whiners here. Ohhh booo fucking whooooo.
LOL. What? She doesn't have mutant sized eyes and a massive gravity defying rack of jell-o?
Because it looks cool. <- this is the answer to any aesthetic related question in gaming or genre film. It draws out the reveal.
Mortical, watch out. You might burst the bubble of all those who've swallowed the lie of the easy life of a teacher.
Anyone who thinks being a k-12 teacher is easy has obviously never done it. Why so many treat those responsible for the education of our children like shit is baffling. The only reason they can comment…
ITT: people who don't understand business.
At my desk now (into into FIIO E7 (decent) USB DAC):
Bose QC15 (on head as I type)
It's the wide field of view and low latency head tracking.
LOL at most of these comments.
A new graphics engine...built on antiquated hardware.