Ian K

A lot of well reasoned comments about how this is largely impractical for a nation as geographically diverse as the US. I'd note that China is doing this and they're pretty damn big.

Apparently the Department of Humor has not been staffed...

He's a Sith Pimp.

" you could fit enough quarters in there to play Galaga for an hour."

Wait. The exterior which you praise gets 7/10 but the interior which looks like some throwback with a double din radio shack rig gets the same? Whut?

Lee is one of those guys who could read the phone book and make it sound epic.

You know what? I hate apple products.

" better color saturation"

"Revengence" LOL. Cannot wait to see what sort of woodenly delivered prosaic engrish new-age techno-babble diarrhea passes as "dialog" and "story" in this one.

"beginning when he was a kid playing Wesley Crusher on Star Trek: TNG"

The "Clone Wars" series as well. It's like they got George out of the equation and decided to do something decent.

There is not enough in the apendices to pad out to nine hours. Sorry dude.

Of course, it doesn't help that there's probably not three hours of movie in the entire book.

So much science fail in these comments. Sigh.

Do NOT go with atom on the pro version. Atom sucks. The appeal of the pro version for me is the ability to run real apps and not have it suck.

My condolences.

Sigh. "All it needs is debugging."

You cannot post comments on Gawker sites with IE10. For some reason.

ITT: internet troll master "lighterisbetter" and his AOL refugee "me too " marks. Bravo Mr. Better! Well played.

Air power wins everytime. TRex and the rest would just sit there flailing their little arms while they burned.