Ian K

I was wondering the same thing. Speculation ahead.

If only there were a highly profitable aerospace giant with the expertise to restore this aircraft located somewhere nearby that might have a vested interest is promoting this milestone in aviation history...if only...

Longer? How about "not suck like?" :-)

Hrrrm.... Not sure how I feel about this. I think folks (aka newbs) will see it as a LOTR rip-off.

At an altitude of 20km? Good luck with that.

Or build something useful. Like a space elevator.

"similar to that of typical pyramid construction"

If this were part of an MMO (sponsored by Home Depot) it might be kinda cool.

Based on his email response alone (and following his posting in other venues) Wardell is fux0red. His forum post above does not help. His lawyers should tell him to STFU.

Yep. My A4 wagon is a stick. And I LOVE to flog it. But on the commute home? Not so much.

"A strong and successful NASA does not require more funding, it needs clearer priorities"

1) When the "world" is the valley you live in it's easy to see a "world wide" flood.

Looks like a great dramatic hat application sim.

LOL. MSFT did the dock? NEWB. The dock as a UI element predates Windows 3 and any graphical version of office. I had one on my Amiga (a freeware add on for Workbench), and it was an integral part of NeXT UI.

The c-pillar ain't even close...

Because every 360 does not come with a mic, but every kinect does. Plus, all the voice APIs are built for the kinect AFAICT.

" rotary engine"

LOL. You can't buy a new roof on Amazon and the contractor doesn't take pay pal.

""God did spare my life. If it's not my time, it's not my time yet,""

Just google "amazon audioquest" and enjoy. Amazon review ridicule for silly products is not uncommon.