

I just... really? That’s your takeaway? That they’ll only make a 5hp model, and call it quits?

Let’s all respect the only person ever to witness tragedy.

Well how about the whole team pull their pants down and hang their junk out at the pitcher while chanting suck it, suck it, suck it. And why not have the batter go around and spit on every player he runs by in his home run procession? Defense had better keep it to themselves unless they want to be accused of attacking

Transitive property = baseball is forever.

+1 awkward and inappropriate nod

I’m all for celebrating and making baseball fun again, this kid just kinda brought it on himself doubling and tripling down on the showboating. At what point is it OK to say this kid’s a jackass who deserves a smack in the mouth?

Regera? More like Regreta...amiright?

We told you about Texas man _____

It really does show something about this guy that he immediately thought of his penis when he read the name of the column.

I can say with utmost confidence that this dude has the tiniest dick I have never seen.

Robert Morrow is trying way too hard. He is also the Platonic ideal of a Trump voter.

I don’t see any reason why this is good... why does everything need to link together? Next they’ll be a backstory how this facehugger was the great granddaughter of the one that eventually became the queen that attacked Ripley and Winona Ryder was actually a time traveling stowaway on Prometheus.

Because nepotism leads to flourishing societies and a vibrant, healthy gene pool.

Your comment is so true that I don’t even care if your examples are.

Because it’s the job of every prequel to give you answers to questions you didn’t care about, like how taxation on galactic trade routes led to the rise of the Empire, and how Wolverine got that jacket he wore in X-men, and look at that little tyke... he’s the guy that’s in the background of the Mos Eisley Cantina.


Yeah, taking outrageous chances with POTUS’ life is the Secret Service’s job.

Law enforcement takes the President’s (any President) security very seriously. I noticed that at the Air Force Academy graduation last week. I’m not sure why - something to do with previous assignations/attempts I believe..

Ignorance is not an excuse.

As a cyclist I say fuck that guy, the cops totally did their job.