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    God damn, I was about to make this very point, but you beat me to it, as you should beat everyone to it every time. I respect your posts a lot.

    Tell me again why you always make that goddamn stale argument.

    *golf clap* Good job, sir.

    I honestly thought it was just a random buzzword that got passed around like a joint, and caught on with everyone. Oh well. :/

    Isn’t that the term insufferable hipsters use in modern times?

    I’m a Thunder fan, and while I’d love for them to win, I just don’t think it’s going to happen. Our defensive shortcomings are going to be hella magnified against the Warriors.

    Strong golf clap right there, sir.

    That’s more Oscar the Grouch, yeah?

    Please tell me he said them in Elmo’s voice...

    Are you saying that not everyone can be trained to act?

    You’re actually not supposed to tip. I thought that was the whole idea? Besides, I pay with credit card, so I have no way of tipping (I never carry cash).

    Thank you for using a terrible picture of Scott Stapp, too. :)

    Because it doesn’t support the narrative of the piece-of-shit lawmakers.

    The video of the tard shoving the Trump poster in the Muslim woman’s face while she was being escorted out should be shown to her on repeat.

    Looks like meth is doing its job.

    She was playing Peek-A-Boo, dude.

    “Kiss it...c’mon, kiss it.”

    That thing’s called a “stanchion”? Learn something new every day...

    The shit was amazing. That’s the best act of aggression I’ve ever witnessed, regardless of species.

    Ummm...my boss here at work...in Tennessee...gave us all Terry’s Orange Dark Chocolate balls. While good, I don’t view them as being some hard-to-find chocolate product.