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    When you shape the pearl necklace into a bow tie.

    Happens to be in the area? He happened to try to block it, and failed.


    I noticed the same thing...

    Are we talking in the literal or figurative sense?

    Sara Lee even...

    ^ Also a sad Colts fan. They are just too dumpster-fire-ish now.

    “Just type ‘Stick to sports!’...’Stick to sports!’...everything will be alright...”

    Sounds like you contracted “STICK TO SPORTS” disease.

    I admittedly haven’t read the whole article. Read about a quarter of it. Will finish later.

    Amazing. :D

    Oh, quit with the feigned outrage horsesh*t, seriously. I will HAPPILY criticize and call out Trump supporters for having historically *wrong* viewpoints and beliefs. That has nothing to do with tolerance. That has everything to do with enlightening people on why the viewpoints they hold have been proven to be wrong.

    Face to face, absolutely. But I live in the South, where everyone is nice to your face, until behind closed doors, the “n*ggers” and “f*ggots” come out of the vocal closets of these people. Even between white people, they practically trip over themselves trying to be so polite to each other, face to face. But then,

    You aren’t all caught up in the whole “reading comprehension” thing, are you? She didn’t necessarily “choose” to go. She went as company for a friend, whose family ditched her/him. It sounds to me she chose to go strictly out of being at a presidential campaign event, and not specifically at a Trump event (which I’m

    Exactly. Anyone who chooses to be at a Trump event, under willful adherence to his “policies” and beliefs, is most likely a vile being.

    You copy/pasted this. Once is enough, stop it.

    Ah yes, ye of inflated sense of self, who sees self on a higher level because of your supposed non-subscription to any political side of the spectrum, and therefore, recognizing that both sides are the same, according to your bizarre reasoning.

    That’s actually a common sight at Fountain Square (where they specifically were).

    This is Pulitzer worthy. Thank you so much for putting this altogether and reinforcing what I knew to be true (that Hardy is a giant piece of shit).

    Is McGary on the left? Who is he supposed to be?