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Yeah, the other guy was kind of interesting by being sort of out-of-place/unexpected, and I'll miss the "Fabio" jokes.

Great character, but I wanted him dead for some reason—maybe him waltzing into that whorehouse and taking control was too much "violation" now that the series was finally on the air again or something (who does this new guy think he is???).

I liked how he just ended up waving goodbye at the end of that scene. And I'm kind of glad he's missing a hand, because I might not have recognized him otherwise.

Mine are always touching!

I enjoyed the episode, it was pretty "comic-bookish" to me. I haven't read any of the comics, I just mean that the child actors and the extreme shit worked for me as art that is NOT realistic. Which left me sort of unsure about the final stuff between Carol and Tyrese, I just kept wondering how to judge it, what

Perhaps that's the smell that draws zombies to the living.

Samoa first though. And Tocantins—then you're set.

Yeah, like it probably would've been cool to him if throwing the challenge had worked, but if it comes down to him being a less than excellent swimmer on national TV in order to prevent Cliff from shooting baskets, there's no way he could go along with such an unnatural task.

Yes, and the fuzz bit that JB refers to is closer to doing a riff that either electric bass OR guitar might do on a tune, rather than pulling the traditional bass duties that are handled by another track or two of this song. There's nothing dumb about saying "hey, wait a minute" about this "no guitars"

Yeah, I remember JT as playing perfect. I'm kind of surprised at the love the Fishback ended up getting, and howmuch I enjoy him on podcastds, because he seemed (to me) to be completely clueless at how JT has used him, and at how much of an enormous difference there was between them once they had reacged the final

In my experience, when people go full bore into the butterfly symbolism, they embrace both messages: The flapping wings having an effect that can precipitate a storm in another hemisphere, as well as the basically-magically-radical cocoon transformation into a thing of beauty and mobility.

I would love to see Philip again maybe 3 or 4 seasons down the road. He's at an age where a health iss ue might strike, but there's a very good chance he might be roughly as he was in the previous seasons at that point, physically.

Yeah, I'm liking Sarah and Tasha the most. I'm also liking Kassandra a bit, because I really want to see what "Island Hot" ends up looking like on her. ALSO, I got no issues with Lindsey and Trish, looking forward to them as well.

There were some astounding shots of the sky between storms, and of the environment around the players as the rain poured, early on in this episode.


I'll never get over how some people know so fucking much about googling.

It really is hard to watch!

420.. 69… Is this some kind of NSA spycraft party code announcement!

There was a hilarious essay about curling maybe two or three Olympics ago, I think in Slate, but I can't find it unfortunately. To paraphrase, the author interviewed a curler on the U.S. team, asked about whether it was a real sport or something, and the dude was like: "It took me a year just to learn how to push

I'm trying to remember their behavior at the end of the farm story line. If zombies are attracted to fire, is there perhaps a point at which they say to themselves, "whoa, fuck it, this is crazy" and decide against walking right into it, and go back to lumbering after people? When the barn was burning, it wasn't