i and 1

Maybe so in Irkutsk; but I want to hear opinions from the residents of Kamchatka. That bridge to Alaska is still just a dashed-line on the map!

Just checking in to say the same, detective! I haven't been able to log in to comment with my regular AVC account for a few days.

The person who hired Joe Blevins deserves an episode-closing surprise kiss, I guess.

Local radio station premiere at a scheduled time that early evening, and me and my bud were totally ready for it, ridiculously primed and prepped, and it delivered completely.

IRS records had a show on mtv or USA or something, called The Cutting Edge, and the theme song was a Stewart Copeland Instrumental. I don't remember exactly, this was more than 20 years ago, but it wasn't easy to see whatever you wanted at the time, no YouTube that's for sure.

Here's another thing that has destroyed us: Bernie Sanders, so let's just get rid of the Democratic Party. I mean, if we're interested in being unthinking emotionally-unhinged idiots, that is.

Step in the right direction, anyhow. I never saw the original bit, but it was dumb and fun. I liked Bill Burr too, nice stuff about how this happened. "Trump is such an idiot, it's making me vote for a woman!"

Doctor No

sorting Newest First has maybe fixed the problem.

I am pleasantly surprised that someone at least saw mine (the direct replies are working, I guess, but not showing up in the regular page loads). The numbers are at less than 50% for me, so…

I was asking everybody else!

Should I read this?

Now I am seeing only 253 out of 538 comments. Tried logging out completely and everything, Jeezus…

Thanks! I had a feeling my boring origin story would be worth telling for some reason.

I decided to try AVClub comments again after some time away, since this show is so great, but several of my comments (non-spoilery and not at all obscene/offensive) have vanished. Is that normal these days, or maybe unique to my fucked-up disqus account?

She looks great in jeans (I think that's what she's wearing).

Thanks for the clarification!

How about this: with "bisexual" is there kind of a chance that they might be monogomous with one sex (faithful to a boyfriend/girlfriend), but then open to whatever as far as partners of the other sex is concerned? While pan-sexual might kind of dismiss monogomay altogether?

Welcome! Your LOST avatar makes me want to point out how much Jaimie looks like Jacob in that photo up there, and so I'm going to talk about Jaimie here—I completely approve of the change, but it was pretty jarring so early in a new season, for me anyhow. He's so (relatively) humble and different-looking.

I guess there's enough going on without introducing competing pimps and turning this series into "Game of Bordellos".