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The A.V. Club

Pound For Ages by Poon

This guy's got a brain like a sieve!

Maybe if he just drank more, then they'd both be too drunk to consent, and so it just happens, and everything's fine.

I was terrified by it, and since it was on so late, I guess I never ever made it through a whole episode. Too fucking scared, I guess because it was in color which seemed like a level of scary beyond Twilight Zone that I didn't want to go to after 11PM.

Yeah, age and country might have a lot to do with it. I think being a dad is an important element in this mystery, as well. There was a time before everyone had VHS tapes even, certainly no internet, and this film isn't the sort of thing that would be on the cover of People magazine at the time. There were probably

I thought it would've been so brilliant to kill off Rick. On the one hand, it was too brilliant, I doubted they could do it, on account of a kind of bad track record with the writing and producing. And the show's gotten super-popular, so killing the "leader" would be really risky, yeah.

It's Rick's acting that bugs me, and his "performance" was key in the early scenes, so man was I ever hating this from the start. I don't buy his accent (and maybe it's great and nuanced, and I just can't let go of bias built up from the first two terrible seasons, post-pilot of course, b/c the pilot was great).

Shit there's 7 of those?? 1st had wonderful book cover art, and I made it thru that, but that was clearly enough I thought. Wow, seven.

Yeah, I haven't seen it since the original airing (I did watch the pilot again at one point, I think), but I remember how the second season was a let-down. But at one hour a week, one fucking unique as shit hour in a week before internet and netflix, and really before anything like the cable options most of us have

He could eat three gyros, apparently—a GREEK food, and of course the Olympics originated in GREECE, wow this joke is really going somewhere, huh, guys!

Ever since Civ 2, I always played huge maps, right from the start, always! Recently, I gave a smaller map a chance (because otherwise I don't think I could afford the time for more than a game or two per year), and it really is fun, just slightly different. Very interesting how this game can just sort of scale and

I hear what you're saying. The happiness thing feels like its been dumbed down, but in my case it really helps because I very often had trouble keeping track of cities that were getting unhappy.

You dirty old man!

It really is a difficult thing to "appreciate", but if one wants, one can certainly have an interesting time as a vodka snob. Obviously, being into wine, scotch, bourbon, etc. will be a richer experience, but it can work with vodka too. Basically, I think, it comes down to how the burn happens, where the burns

It's decent, but it's kind of like the comments here have gotten sort of difficult to deal with, so they're just turning the inventory itself into the sort of riffing we usually would find down here.

This inventory would've made for a good thread in the comments down here, as a tangent after some article about the "Battleship" movie or whatever. Woulda been fun!

Maybe I'm talking about a different site, but I tried 3 credit cards and those jackasses couldn't get their stream to work for me no matter what I did.

Right on bro