i and 1

Know that you mention it, and I hadn't thought of this while reading, but it sounds like there must've been penguins riding the waves in contact with exposed human breasts!

Even at the time, when U2 were still just getting "big", Bono was identifiable as an uncomfortably emotional attention-hog, but it was no big deal because he was just another front man, and it was at least different than the type of vanity we were getting from front men for a lot of other acts getting radio play on

Correction, PedEdType: I spent a lot of time watching commercials for McDonlad's between the very brief video clips about the players.

Oh, tell me about it! I'm just typing back at you in a similar spirit, I totally have had my concerns regarding her (prior to the tribe-dynamic you highlighted) especially seeing her get largely ignored in the pick-four and now falling to 16 here…

Hmm, maybe Lindsey's adventurous appearance (dreads, tattoos) and Cliff's penchant for wearing a headband will foster an alliance based on their mutual habit of adorning themselves in unique ways.

That's a great point, I really am up against it as far as that goes.

That's great! Woo is good-looking, and his brains seemed good in the interview at first—stuff about focus and controlling himself via his martial arts training… But then he reached the point where he had no more to say and kept repeating the same stuff. They all probably do that, and are at the mercy of the edit,

Yeah, I had Kass at 4 or 5. She might very well be terrible at the first challenge or two, and get voted out really early, that's my impression. But if she can just keep herself together (I worry she might have a "superior" type of habit, from being a proud mom and an attorney, so much time spent running other

Wow, I got my number one choice from pick-4, and now I get number 3! This process has, naturally, made me see my initial, enthusiastic choices as a bunch of complete losers, definitely, no question about it. But I'm sticking with them!

Ah, that's great to hear—I was wondering if they maybe blew it with the birthday or whatever other varieties are out there. My take has always been that the Signature must be some kind of secret anomaly. You really don't ever read or hear about people being into Old Forester (usually!).

Hey guys, I've been thinking about buying some tequila that's good enough to just drink straight, kind of like bourbon or whatever—not for mixing. I also am dyng to try Patron, because when I'm rapping freestyle (around the house) I spend a lot of time talking about how much Patron I drink. I've never tried it

Man the price on that always scared me off—meaning, it's cheap, and I worry it will be lame. HOWEVER, I did buy a bunch of the Old Forester Signature one time (375's on sale for 8 dollars each) and I'm pretty sure that's my favorite bourbon. Can't wait to get it again (at regular price, even, sure, definitely).

My worry is that this guy seems like he might do everything all by himself in his regular life. "Poker player" sounds like someone who would know how to read situations, but he plays online poker. And he does yoga, lifts weights… Has been practicing not eating or whatever getting ready for this… I'm thinking he

I'll keep an eye out and try to remember to clue people in about my schedule if it looks like I might be offline around the time my pick could come up. I'd certainly be checking in sometime by 8PM (worst case) if that helps, but probably several times much earlier than that.

Just for clarification: Do you meant that the scores will be posted in the regular review, and not here?

IN the video or the bio, she calls it her "favorite I heart nerds" shirt. Actually, I think the bio lists it as an item she'd want to bring (although there are clips of her actually wearing it!) and in the video she says, "I really heart nerds!" So something strange is going on with that shirt.

He has a good video! Well, it's maybe 30 seconds too long, but up until he starts repeating himself I thought he made a pretty great impression.

Ah-hah, so my arch-rival agrees…

I'd like to play, but please keep me appraised of when the draft takes place. With this notification system sucking more than it used to, combined with me getting on AVClub a lot less, I'd hate to have everybody waiting for me to take my turn.

How about Judge just comes up with descriptive phrases for each of us, that only WE would recognize. I could be "guy who doesn't like certain somethings in a bikini".