i and 1

Jeremiah, Woo, Lindsey, Trish

Ah, I have two i and one accounts now (the other stopped working, but probably started working again after a week or so from what I can tell from other users).

A little better, succinct at least. Returning with a largish comment, expectations were more than you delivered there.

Ha! Me too with the rewinding at that point. Another weird thing I noticed (maybe… It was hard to see on the crappy TV, and I just can't be bothered rewinding a Jenny scene) was when Jenny first started walking around the church it looked like they dubbed in her saying something like, "Why am I here, what am I

Yeah, I don't know anything about this actress. She's maybe done great with what they've given her so far, but the nature of her role up to this point has left her lagging WAY behind everyone except Jenny. I'm wondering if Jenny might be dead!

Actually it was: "NAZI KHALEESI" !!!

I kind of feel as you do. Earlier in the season, I was more thinking she might be a bad guy, and that would make it easy to turn up the heat between Ichabod and Abbey in future episodes Of course, it might be best to never quite let that heating-up come to fruition—but having a wife around (and a boring one at that)

It's a distinctive taste, I guess. Maybe if a young person waits too long before trying licorice, it isn't just another interesting flavor on their journey into candy appreciation. Maybe it's just startlingly different from what they've gotten used to having over the years, and seems closer to "medicine-flavored"

See, that's Howard you're talking about there. The article is confusing, I admit.

If you read the article, that's actually Howard. Schwarzenegger made the video.

Fettucine gummy's? Well, I really like gummys, so I'd probably like them, but I've never seen them. But that doesn't mean they aren't all over the place (like regular Kit-Kats in Japan, apparently).

She's also getting increasingly good at a sort of circus act, flipping around on wires over the audience's head pretty much everytime I see her on TV.

Actually those eyebrows are kind of clown eyebrows really, no matter the original intention, and of course she's trying to make us laugh with some often broad physical humor like a clown… maybe? Perhaps our barely-happening analysis of those eyebrows has accidentally stumbled upon something.

I'm having a piece of chocolate right now—Hershey's Bliss Dark Chocolate. Inexpensive! I like Dark—it tastes great (though some people might need to acquire the taste at first) and I keep reading that it is actually healthy!

That giant frog was fantastic. I don't know what the eyebrows she has painted on are about… Claudia? Funny though, and her Amazon Woman routine is probably great fun to see in different situations!

I thought it sounded fine (although I was very skeptical the first time I heard the first parts…)—I've been to lots of shows where the singer's voice was like that or worse. I also enjoy shows where the singing is right on, but I'm not too picky for something like that. (And power to you if your voice standards are

I was looking at AVClub.com's main page, scrolling down, checking the new stuff being displayed, and then trying to figure out what this was. Then I saw, up in the corner of the tile "a novel". So there's a case where that "a novel" thing being printed on the cover paid off!

She did a song called Unconditional at an awards show recently that I ended up listening to over and over, pretty good, nice stage show/choreography I thought:

Firework is at the top for me. Roar took a number of listens for me to get into it.

Man, you guys broke disqus maybe, which must be annoying. But remember, please: