i and 1

Clearly a site set up for us by General Washington, his soul forever roaming this place, natty.

There it is! Yes I like both of those bands, and I definitely see the connection, the sound and the voice, and the tempo. EBTG have a lot of good albums, but are often kind of sad. Their biggest hit was called "Missing" and I'm sure you know that. Another album by them I like is called "Walking Wounded". From a

I managed to read it, and I tried to answer to what I rememberer—I'm glad you liked the two songs! Off the top of my head another good one was called "A Country Mile", and another is called "Careless" but a good "album" really, with a slightly upbeat song stuck in every once in a while, I used to listen to it in the

Hey, your post disappeared—but I remember that Frente song (cover). I heard them a lot when they came out in the U.S. actually, I always love a female singer, and that's a great acoustic song (which remeinds me that a lot of those old Everything But the Girl songs ended up on their acoustic album as well). I forget

I found Pinky at Denny's one time, and at an "Okinawa Shop" in the city I was living in. I think it was in a lot of places though, good luck picking a good flavor if you find it!

Just checking in since Claudia dropped in on the Kit Kat article. I managed to find the Milk employee fetching the rug, that was pretty fun! You guys are amazing, and I won't be around long enough to mess up your groove (but I'd like to think I'll find reason to drop in again in 3 months or six or a year and find

Crunky Popjoys? I remember Crunky chocolate things, which I had a few times (b/c other people had them) but I forget what was in them exactly (oh, yeah, checked, it's crunchy rice!). Maybe Popjoys are from after 2007 or so? They must be pretty great, maybe I just missed them.

I liked the Japanese chocolate OK—a bar of Meiji or whatever could accompany 2 - 3 breakfast cups of coffee, and it was all chocolate—nothing exciting, but I didn't have to wonder about all the other stuff that companies might put into candy-type stuff (e.g., the stuff Nestlee was putting in to make the Kit Kat taste

Just to be clear here, I am talking about the "regular" plain old Kit Kat like we see in the U.S., with no special flavor advertised on the package—not the interesting flavored ones. Of course, everywhere I went I generally saw green tea flavored, plum, or whatever was the latest thing.

I lived in central Japan for more than 5 years and often visited different cities, you could definitely get a selection of flavored ones in most any place that sold candy/chocolate (this was early to mid 2000's). There's a few exceptions maybe—a small old grocery store that I often visited might just have had one or

I haven't been there in more than five years, but I never once saw a "regular" Japanese Kit-Kat while I was over there. And my Japanese friends saw the regular ones for the first time while visiting the U.S.! (Or so it seemed at the time, I guess…? Maybe they were like "Duh…" on the inside? Sheez, those GUYS!)

This might not be the right place, and I know I'm apologizing too much (I've got shell-shock from defending London Town in other comment sections here), but I just want to cautiously express how glad I am to see Wild Life get some respect, here and in a couple other places in these comments. I know you aren't

Thanks, I had trouble logging in with the old account, so I picked this avatar for my "other" disqus account, in honor of pre-disqus AVClub. This guy's interview and octagonal image were constantly featured on the "auto-recycler" list of suggested articles on the old site. (And I really liked most seasons of BSG,

It also looks like the writer is saying that BotR is McCartney's "seminal work" in the last paragraph, which.. is probably a mistake, considering the mention of Ram's re-evaluation earlier in the article and the suite at the end of Red Rose, not to mention all of Macca's work with the Beatles.

Yeah, that was kind of like the mistletoe scene. No other reason for it but(t) to send our imaginations racing, and eventually bring us here to discuss it. Nothing happened onscreen though, nope!

I saw steady progress with the Jenny character, I guess, but she's still a problem for me, I am still clinging to the hope that she'll become less important and disappear (for a few episodes this season, it seemed like she had…).

LAST. Even without the auto-recycler being around anymore.

Maybe it'll be a BMW with a valet's B.O. and they'll meet an ex-GF at the VHS rental, who's become part of the LGBT community.

Yes, please bring on that night!

Is that Suzanne Vega standing at the corner there?