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It must be, and people are just clicking it because they don't like the person who made the comment. If it were someone else, then they'd probably let it go, I'm guessing.

Yeah, well, I think Poehler is delightful and that her show is fucking great—but I do agree that if someone doesn't like her, their comment doesn't need to fucking disappear from the comments section, right?

Wow, I'm glad I still have them to look forward to at this late date, but two episodes hanging out all alone at the end is nevertheless a disappointment as well. Yet another twist on the pros and cons balance coming out of a stretch-shit-out scheduling strategy!

I've heard of him and sampled a bit of his music, and he deserves fans and everything, but how in the world is an AVC Inventory all about him? I'm tuning into AVClub here, and I really wish I could chime in with something besides wtf.

I saw RG 3 slide during a game in the last half of this season, and he still can't do it right. This thing last year against the Ravens might've been even worse if he had another 10 pounds on his torso, his leg following behind with the added momentum:

It looked like the guy ruining his camera was drawing a penis with the damage lines. So, OK, mankind does a phallic power thing and destroys stuff with mastery of technology or something, etc., for sex (with reproduction as a side effect. Like maybe video reproduction in addition to sexual reproduction… ).

Nice, I forgot about him!

I just put on a Luther Vangoose CD, such as Fowl Ever, Fowl Always, Fowl Love.

The Liberace champagne flutes were definitely take-homeable, Jesus.

No, please relax, if you are in fact wearing a thick-rimmed monocle, you are more than qualified.

Oh, and how about me climbing back up and making The Wilford Brimley Explosion settle for a tie (that he was lucky to get)!

Yes, if you want to play around with the concept that's great. In fact, completely different avenues might be even better choices, like maybe a bunch of 6- or 10-player leagues in parallel, with the top two finishers in each entering into the next season's "Champion's League" (like World Cup grouping or whatever)

Here's an idea, depending on the spreadsheet business: Why not make the Champion's League a 6 person league. Then create a 9 person "B League", and finally a pick-4 for everyone else. From there, maybe something like:

Tina had a cute way of hopping across the netting in that last challenge. Her second time across, the music synced some dramatic synth-orchestral "stabs" to each hop.

Oh, wow, thank you, that would be awesome if she was just joking!

This is the funniest thing all night, you're killing me here.

It appeared that his pacing back-and-forth narration "just so happened" to position him so that, when he announced her arrival at the puzzle area, he was literally shouting to the others and us viewers from just a few feet away from Ciera's ear.

From what I've seen of Tyson this season and previous seasons, I have to wonder if him sort of pissing on Katie as she left the game is maybe an obvious and recognizable echo of general treatment towards a lot of other players, something that would've surprised no one. Even tonight, whether or not Tyson said as much

Poor Kat.

After a season or two of Will-they-or-won't-they, I think there could be room for the they-are-a-real-couple thing. After a while, it could be refreshing and give us a bunch of new insights.