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I noticed tonight that there's some kind of "Sleepy Hollow Theme" or something that I think I really like, that might be a pretty cool track if they put out a good arrangement on mp3.

Problem child! Maybe they'll have to save him from himself, of course…

It was in a dive from the beginning, I thought (exposition and not much of the good stuff the show usually delivers, and Crane looked like he maybe needed more wood-chopping practice); but it sounds like I was able to get out of that before you. The demon ice cream man might've actually been what snapped me out of

Yeah, I'm not at all interested in hearing a single word about the son next episode, but after a few more episode I might think it's just the thing! Especially since there's a chance the show might do it well—this wouldn't be a Luke Skywalker innocent type needing to get saved all the time. It might even be a Darth

Yeah, both Gervase (carelessly) and Tyson (despite Probst putting him in the position of addressing Ciera's concerns about this) explained that she was fourth (Tyson just added in some "I've been loyal to you" stuff in an attempt to reframe things).

That sounds just.

Yeah, there've been problems for people who merged them in the past. Even as far as those might now be fixed, it's gotten to look like this whole AVClub/disqus combo/coexist thing is just gonna be apt to break in some new way as time passes and more changes come along. Goooood chance it'll get scrapped altogether

Toothpick Turnpike

I had Remy Martin (the kind that regular liquor stores stock the most of), just part of a little bottle, years ago, and that's it. I thought it was great! I'll have to try it again sometime, I guess. I do like bourbon and appreciate "good" vs. "bad bourbon", and I seem to remember Remy Martin being in the same

Sandwich Island!?!

Brimley you bastard.

Ha, I meant Caleb, his exit just hadn't registered. Really, any of those three on RI would be better options for Ty and Gervase (relative to Monica, Hayden or Ciera) probably.

I think Monica has to like her chances against Gerv and Ty, if she can think in terms of jury votes from our perspective. And the way people on the jury seem to be acting at tribal, I can easily imagine she gets it.

FUCK I just hit *backspace* while trying to fix up a comment, and ended up jumping out of the comment; and then every time I tried to scroll back up, the window would jump back to the end of the page again as soon as I caught a glimpse of the little comment box I was working on. It was still there waiting for me to

Yeah, my technique is to just reload the whole page once I've read a certain amount, like the old days.

How about each season, they fill up RI with 15 people, have one big challenge, and the first to lose ends up the sole jury member.

Size isn't everything—-IT'S THE ONLY THING!

Yeah, it's odd the show would have us see Rick come to that conclusion—maybe he just noticed that she had been "weird about it", and naturally wouldn't imagine the kids were behind it.

Yeah, them talking about how Carol taught them to kill shit tonight—really, just the fact that they mentioned Carol in their brief period on screen—is enough to pump a little life back into that theory.

I think if Tyrese had grabbed that empty bullet-proof filing cabinet, he would've been just as impregnable and twice as agile as that tank.