@987squirrels: *polite clap*
@987squirrels: *polite clap*
@moefosho: FOR SHAME.
YESSSSS!! Pickin up my new 335i M-sport at Welt 6/27/11.
@LTDScott: OMG thank you. Srsly.
@AMGkiller: Well said.
Maybe if you had just made the damn sandwich right the first time, it wouldn't have turned out this way.
@w1ngnut: I am getting irritated at the overly-scripted chat segments. Other than that, I still love TG.
Nice! I thought it was too Jalop not to share.
@indyphil: Holy shit.
@GreenN_Gold: *clap clap clap clap*
@Frank: Bang on the money.
@AMGkiller: So are misplaced apostrophe's.
Joo mad?
Thankfully I have a good relationship with my SA from my previous 328 - I shot him an email on what would be considered appropriate behavior on my ED break-in. We shall see.
Ugh. Damn it.
"Have to" is putting it strongly. I will absolutely be taking it to redline on the autobahn to Stuttgart, once it is properly warmed up. No way am I picking the car up in Germany and not topping it out.
No, I ordered the convenience package but the Nuclear option was a bit cost-prohibitive
Just saying I wouldn't put it past that guy lol! No harm no foul dude
If that is barbecued cats, then fuck you very much for posting and I hope that guy is already dead.