@Lotte: It would play well in Soviet Russia.
@Lotte: It would play well in Soviet Russia.
Great article man. Nailed it.
@CABEZAGRANDE: I would sell my 3er in a heartbeat for one of those. The greatest utility vehicle... in the world.
@maximum_sarge: yummmmm
@maximum_sarge: "Oh no, I've crashed it. I mean, almost immediately."
@Gïmmï Mørgäikköŋëŋ: Come on man, I'm at work. You couldn't have picked a little less racy picture?
I hope that they read the comments and feel ashamed.
@shinjukuDLJ: Rightfully flipping so.
@The Second Spitter: +1
@spiegel1, Basil Exposition: Amen to that.
@KeyserSöze: Noooooooooo!!
@TimTim: I heart my n52 (6MT and no wife)
No, but seriously, the driver has to be a junior high-schooler. Or a little person.
@snapoversteer fronts the prog-rock band Camber Tweel: Oh no you di'int!
@mrbcargirl: Pretty cool!
@Optixtruf: love that site
@Fodderthesane: But how do you get the movie to dangerous? Where is it?
@Xander Crews: As long as we're all aware of what we're dealing with here.
@Xander Crews: A what? It's either a crap shoot, or a poop chute.
@Scuba Steve: You capitalized "manual", and don't even get me started on the final sentence. Rejected.