@Skunky: That could have been such an attractive car.
@Skunky: That could have been such an attractive car.
@FTGDWolverineEdition: Hey man, it's puff, puff, pass.. not puff, puff, post. Take it easy on that stuff.
@MikeTheRipper12: I feel as thought you did not read my comment.
@zekestone: Or address the issue at the root of it and make it illegal for police entities to both impose and collect fines. That would nip it in the bud nicely.
@gizzygone: Good call. That is a pretty stupid thing to do.
@MikeTheRipper12: Yeah, except whenever you need a cop to file an accident report, they don't do it if there aren't any injuries. And when you're trying to break up a barfight, they pepper spray you in the face without announcing their prescence. And then every other time you interact with them is when they have…
@SerialThriller: Jalop to the core.
How funny, I just have been getting into Jack Delano's stuff on Shorpy lately
@FodderTheSane: aaaand heart click.
@icemanemg: God I love 80s auto culture
@mantaTM: haha that's pretty good
@Drujon: It's easy. It's effective. I like it.
@OA 5599: +1
@$kaycog: Great googly moogly
@VeeArrrSix: I want to do what that guy does.
If I know race carrots, it's going to corner something like this:
@Jackie: Baawwwwww
@RoboRed loves his blue ovals: Glad to be of service!
@KTope: The closing sentence was oh-so-choice