@Jake: eeeeexactly
@Jake: eeeeexactly
@Scandinavian Flick: MOTHER OF GOD
@Pessimippopotamus: Drool.
@Epic2112: Surely I should have heard of this by now. Who is responsible?
@Lotte: Is "sacrilege" synonymous with "arousal"? Because if so.. then yes.
@KeyserSöze: By the wang of Xerxes!
Not entirely automotive in nature, but the overlap is significant:
@LoganSix: +1
@iancoleTX: 15ft tall*
What happens when a 15ft tractor-trailer plows into its underbelly at 40mph?
@LoganSix: $10k in damage average dude. Some come back lightly hooned but unharmed, and some are totaled out or lost.
@koolykool44: I don't think they've sold enough of them to form a data pool. Actually, I know they haven't.
@Buster Brew: +50
LOL running photogs. Like you can outmaneuver a crashing jet by running.
@Kelsey Freeh: haha seriously, I knew (obv) to check the source, but it's still a pitiful resolution. Was originally hoping someone had a link to a higher res version somewhere.
I assume all the trucks come pre-equipped with direct satellite linkup to the NSA?
@Kelsey Freeh: I know. I want a bigger copy. I know someone has it.
@hercules_100_98: Thanks for posting that for me
@Kelsey Freeh: Still needs bigger. More biggerer plz.