@philaDLJ: For Chrissake!
@philaDLJ: For Chrissake!
@eaglescout1984: Wow.
@eaglescout1984: Wow.
@The5thElephant: Or you could stop pissing into the wind and accept your own mortality
@Sam: That is so gangster
The guy in the picture.. I would like to punch him in the soul patch
@mytdawg: A massive +1 to you
@AV6Spd: Successful troll is too successful
@TheChefe: "lo and behold." TMYK
@studbike: Maybe if those people maintained proper following distance and kept their eyes on the road, there wouldn't be so many accidents. There is a reason that the party doing the rear-ending always gets cited. And of course, it is our own business where we get our signs, however I will tell you that they are…
@AV6Spd: *bows* *waves*
@smokyburnout: The letter X will be involved. Mark my words.
Well, if it looks like a cross between the Ultimate Aero and the Mantide, I hope some strangles it to death before it can claw its way out of the delivery room.
I work for ATS, and we're not as bad as you might think. Our devices are proven to improve intersection safety through deterrence, and provide much-needed revenue to localities that might not otherwise be available. Please allow me to address any concerns you, the motoring public, may have.
@macshome: Huzzah!
@snap_understeer_ftw: but I think the customer might the whole car
@zenneth: Hahaha wow man. I laughed for like a good 20 seconds at that. Awesome.
@Dan122186: lol at the mental image