@Jim-Bob wants a Yaris: Lo siento, senor. Lo siento.
@Jim-Bob wants a Yaris: Lo siento, senor. Lo siento.
@ChazzyD: Hell yes. Not to mention the handicapped spots are usually inhabited by perfectly able people who got ahold of their grandma's tag, lazy policemen, or the morbidly obese.
Just for the record, I drive a BMW and I like to park in the "expecting mothers" spots, as well as any other frivolously marked spaces closer than usual to the entrance.
@Jim-Bob wants a Yaris: Uh, no, it's an E36. Google is your friend.
You guys think the subtitles are fake? Fucking possibly?
@acarr260: As a BMW owner, I would not fault him for that parking job, as my last door ding came gratis from a Prius jockey.
@acarr260: As a BMW owner, I would not fault him for that parking job, as my last door ding came gratis from a Prius jockey.
@acarr260: As a BMW owner, I would not fault him for that parking job, as my last door ding came gratis from a Prius jockey.
@MifuneT: It seems that you have 87 compadres at this point.
250hp or go fly kites
@Pavement clawing maniac: I believe you're thinking of the Polo
@Bueller: YES
@strays2k: I hope you get mauled by a grizzly bear
@Elhigh: I lol'd
@tomsomething: Well played.
@SuperCharger.Heaven: FECES
@FormerlyPreferredCustomer: "Killed by an industrial agitator" sounds like a pretty flipping awful way to go. I choose that one last.
@luggage: It seems as though you have stumbled over THE BEST IDEA EVER
@Terror of MechaScroggzilla: You're a crack pipe.