@jayogolmic: Juiceboxing a loaner is cruise control for epic win. Wow.
@jayogolmic: Juiceboxing a loaner is cruise control for epic win. Wow.
@spiegel1: colon-click
@philaDLJ: hahahaha awesome
Ohhhh please please please, let Lada challenge Hyundai next.
@IDesigner loves himself some car: that's a heart click
@IDesigner loves himself some car: that's a heart click
@MasterxAce: Does it cost extra if you want it to fing?
@dragonskin: Obviously it would not apply perfectly to an offsides call, as the ref has some degree of freedom to interpret (which in of itself is stupid). Maybe in this particular circumstance, a booth review or a coach's challenge (of which there would be a very limited number per game) would have been a better…
@Desu-San-Desu: Oh. Well get one of those first. Then the Subaru.
@MushyHeirloom: Ignore Mushy. You are epic Jalop.
@Desu-San-Desu: You should probably get a Subaru.
@dragonskin: It would be at least a step in the right direction, and sure as hell better than nothing. It would have been a USA win today if there was even a policy to review the damn plays. There should not be blown calls in the World Cup.
@dragonskin: If they have money to outfit and sponsor a soccer team and the stadium it goes it, I think they can afford to install a replay system. Ditto completely what Matt said.
@dal20402 has new computer fever: Sorry you feel that way man, the e90post community has been an invaluable asset to me personally. Best of luck
That is pretty flippin' cool.
@dal20402 has new computer fever: Do you own a BMW?
Better idea: Buy a Space Gray M3, and spend the 8 grand on a blower
@dal20402 has new computer fever: Bitter a little?
@Gimmi Mørgäikkönën: Like really good. Wow.
@ZeroOrDie: nah bitch, don't even try it