
@subtlescalpel: As a Houstonite, I attest to your correctness.

What would happen if you covered it up? Ticket for failure to display mandatory advertising?

haha awesome

@Baby Beater Benz: Had my jaw wired shut one time. Nothing but good times with lady vicodin.

But it's gas powered, and I thought you hated the evil corporations that provide fuel for our vehicles, Jesus?

@Baby Beater Benz: Odd place for a song reference, but the lyrics are actually "25 or 6 to 4", e.g. 3:34 or 3:35 in the morning. P.S. Ditto your sentiments exactly, plus a 951S with plaid seats.

@Patrice Berube: I do believe you have made a banworthy comment

I am exactly 100% as uninterested as I was in the original Droid.