Yet another reason to migrate from Houston.
Yet another reason to migrate from Houston.
@SEXYHAMMER: heart click
@philaDLJ: If that had 200 hp and was less green, I would buy it.
@GreenN_Gold: What?? It's like a Continentastudebenzomartin. I love it.
@Skunky: 2nd
@Jackie: I was with you until the second sentence. That is a design only a 12 year old could love.
@Baby beater Benz: No fair, you have to say what it is.
@skulldriveshaft picasaweb and youtube: heart click
@spikejnz: hahahahaha
It will make a marvelous ruin someday.
@twitchykun(lvl. 75 JDM Hoon): No. Only silver or champagne. Now stop asking questions, or no Matlock for you tonight.
@cristiana loves her 370z: the fuck is that!
@FightingChance: omg win
@kurkos_dr: Oh fuck off.
I solved this problem by moving 4 miles from work. 12-15 minutes door-to-door, almost every day.
@87CapriceEstate: My head asplode.
@vavon205: My first love was a 944.. will always have a soft spot for them
@Lotte: +1