@pauljones: No matter how many times I read your comment, the voice reading it in my head always belongs to Jeremy Clarkson.
@pauljones: No matter how many times I read your comment, the voice reading it in my head always belongs to Jeremy Clarkson.
@Elhigh: There was something oddly appealing about that comment.
@all: Much appreciated!
@twitchykun(level 50 Jalop-Knight): That's a fine story yourself. Makes for a nice mental picture.
No one is going to read this, so I'll keep it short. Driving from Iowa to Springfield in college, on a completely unplowed rural highway in blizzard conditions.. I managed to do a complete and perfect 360 in my Neon and keep it between the lines and avoid all traffic. Going off on the shoulder would have meant a tow…
@Ash78's timing is retarded: I am seeing what it was that you did there
@pauljones: Me likey.
If I was being dragged into the market for a people mover.. this is the logical choice.
Don't BS me Mercedes, I know a transformer when I see one.
Crack pipe.
@pauljones: That is a cogent post, but I ask you to consider the following:
@Ash78, cube farmer: As well they should.
The profile on these cars is pure weird, especially in person. I want to like it, but I just can't.
@gallahad: Ditto both of you guys.
@buick61: You talk smart
@Maymar: +1
Unbelievably cool.
Brilliant. What is there not to love about this guy?
Well, that's a let-down. Allow me to continue not caring about anything Honda currently produces, aside from some fleeting interest in the Accord Coupe.
Well I'm just thrilled to help make our defense contractors and their pet politicians as rich as possible. Mission accomplished.