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    They were in the buildings with power & running water for too many episodes. The series bogged down as a result. The previous episodes in Malibu were funnier, in particular the practical jokes by Tandy against Phil and vice versa. The show was really at its best in episodes where the cast is traveling, whether Tandys

    Nicely summed up. Boom.

    I just want Kristen Wiig to show up already.

    It's interesting that a writer for Vox.com grew up in a strict Christian home where Brio was considered risque. But you wouldn't know about that if you only read the AV Club article but not the NPR article.

    I remember working all day and in the evening turning on the tv, funding out about the Bronco chase for the first time and then catching up on the news. Life before Twitter…

    Don Rickles could run anyone down and talk about almost anything without swearing unlike so many comics who followed him. This allowed Don Rickles to take his bawdy nightclub act and tone it done only slightly for network TV in the 1960s and 1970s, back when rules were tighter on what could be said and shown. I never

    The idealistic pronouncements by the fictional Kirkman and response to it by most of the press, juxtaposed against what we're witnessing from Trump and his critics, took me back to the days of watching Martin Sheen as President Bartlett on The West Wing at the same time that George W. Bush was the real president.

    I'm sure there's a lot of demand in the event-planning industry for entertainers who can juggle, ride a unicycle, create balloon animals and mime. Clownphobia means they are still hired to perform without having to wear sticky clown makeup and silly costumes. If I were breaking into this industry as one of these

    I'll watch the first ten minutes or so of "Man Down" if it it's free to watch from an on-demand channel I subscribe to or shows up on disc at my local library. If I like what I see then I'll watch the rest. Quite a few movies are released that struggle to get attention from the mainstream press and a few of them turn

    Top article on my Google News feed this morning is from CNN: "Tillerson on North Korea - Military action is an option".

    Seth Meyers was one of the SNL writers when Jimmy Fallon & Tina Fey co-hosted Weekend Update. Meyers probably wrote a lot of the political jokes while Jimmy Fallon merely spoke them. Neither are strong actors but Meyers is a sharp comedy mind while Fallon's strnegths are singing, dancing and making goofy faces.

    That would've been a better ending than what I suggested or what we actually saw!

    On a trip to Vancouver I happened to wander through the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden. All of a sudden it seemed familliar and I had a sense of deja vu. Then I realized it was where some of Falling Skies was filmed. Anyways, as for 12 Monkeys, I've watched all of it as well but as I much as I like 12

    These are all great suggestions and I recommend Jimmy Fallon also play YouTube clips of Viggo Mortensen's post-apocalyptic movie "The Road" at 0.5 speed. Fun!

    To me Jimmy Fallon is STILL just a former Saturday Night Live Weekend Update host who broke in most of the sketches he was in, like "Behind The Music" (gotta have more cowbell, etc) with Will Ferrell and Christopher Walken.

    And here I thought it featured Nazi villains because the middle act of The Last Crusade is set in 1938 Europe (just two years after the events of Raiders of the Lost Ark).

    Based on this movie review it sounds like "The Shack" movie is a close adaptation of the book. As a result, the movie sounds terrible.

    The power outage was contrived. I don't believe Phil can actually be satisfied by making a free throw shot in the dark when he thinks no-one is watching: it's ultimately no different than his practice free throws at night. The episode should have been written so that Phil attempts the winning free throw shot in a

    I'd recorded this week's SNL and didn't get to it until Sunday night. It was amusing to watch Melissa Villasenor's Wiig impression and then a few minutes later watch Wiig herself on the newest episode of "The Last Man On Earth". Villasenor nailed it!