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    this online computer shop in the UK: [www.overclockers.co.uk] Trash reviews when they arent positive. I've submitted loads to them and they only ever printed good ones, when products are crap they just choose not to delete the reviews.

    @ndgreen: yes itunes is crap for handling album art

    It all boils down to intent.

    @Aitese Odigie: My default browser is firefox, but every day and for no reason IE sets its self as my default browser and i have to shut down firefox and re-open it, then choose 'set as defualt' again.

    @SEARCH ENGINES: I suggest you do a bit of research - other people did know about things before the internet (ie April fools in England 1393AD)

    @moop2000: I agree, the first time I used a library half of my music collection dissapeared from my server

    Its an improvment over vista but I think it has issues - like changing my default browser, suffering from corrupted drivers a couple of times and several other small but significant annoyances I've had since it came out

    @Yerzriknot: well they can look at this website and see if its in the hosting agreement to allow sites to promote theft and piracy for a start.

    Isnt this considered illegal? The reason being us people in The UK pay an annual TV licence fee - this is to the BBC and ensures that we get decent programming, advert-free.

    I have my own webspace which is limitless, reliable and doesnt cost me more money to store files on

    none of them seem to work with [muzu.tv] - ive not managed to get this video with anything other than TM++ and the result was horrible with that.

    I'll stick with anyDVD HD - never had any issues with it and I'm not really sold on the MKV format either - ISO's have always been better for me.

    We've showed you a quick and easy way to get your Windows Media Center setup to skip commercials.

    I take a hammer, chisel and screwdriver to any drive im getting rid of. All un-erase software I've tried seems to take too long for me.

    I wouldn't call this a workspace because it isn't really one - its just a netbook stuck on a table with no cables or peripherals.

    windows update tells me when new downloads are available and i download them. They are auto installed.

    The link now goes to boxed up??

    He looks more like 75 :s

    Radiotime is a great plug-in for free global radio: