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    I thought Google+ was picking up steam in that area?

    "Take On Me 2012"

    Can we please stop suffixing "gate" to things?!

    I said until 1:20. The intro is grating. Very eloquently put, by the way.

    I recommend muting the terrible music, at least until about 1:20.

    My guess is that there's some fine print that says they're not accountable for any downtime.

    If you still have some google+ invites I will gladly take one



    What the butt is wrong with PC gamers? Seems every month they throw a hissy fit because of something they don't want. It's a VIDEO GAME, Why can't you be like us console gamers and just chill out and play instead of getting all asspained over such a stupid (not to mention 100% optional item that has no effect on play)

    Seems good to me. Slow news day, eh?

    Boo hoo, I've played plenty of 30FPS games on my consoles and had more fun than any PC game. Only people who care about graphics and FPS THAT much are shut in mongoloids with mental problems.

    Read carefully. 5683 (spells LOVE)

    Has anyone ever played the old Spec Ops games on PS1? They were terrible! Why are they even remaking them? I'm sure this will get canceled before it sees launch.

    "Any reliability level below 100% is completely unacceptable. "

    That's strange, I play both PC and PS3, and it seems PC gamers would rather camp and not even contribute to the team rather than help out.

    *cringe* First time my /v/ using "friend" linked me to this, I thought "How long before Kotalu catches wind of this like they do all the other shitty /v/ games... A week?"

    1. Oh wow, It's a bit laggy on your super computer, Stuff like this is to be expected from ALL PC games if you don't wanna play $1000 +, Try tweaking it a bit, I've played all these ports on PC and they all worked flawlessly

    He can do better than I could ever do. I really don't see the hate in furries other than people wanting to be "lol xD just like 4chan anonymous is leigon xD" kids. If you wanna dress up in a animal suit, I'm happy for you :)

    Having worked at a bike shop for many years I can assure you that not all CO2 cartridges are created equally. The cheap CO2 you'll find at Walmart or most sporting goods stores is designed for use in paintball and airsoft guns, and contains a drop of oil in every cartridge. Don't use it in your bike tires because