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    err how did you miss "mymovies"?

    I'll be watching what happens with Opera, one of the reasons I wont buy an iphone is because of issues like this.

    isnt the yahoo thing called buzz?

    My first experience with win 7 libraries resulting in approx 37 mp3s being renamed to .tmp files and becoming corrupt . these files were on my server and were corrupted by win 7 on my htpc media centre machine. Luckily i had a back up and replaced the files. It never messed them up again, but i am very dubious of

    TV recording: No No Yes. I dont need to look beyond that.

    "Clone DVD" is my preference for normal dvds and "Anydvd HD" for Blu ray (although it can take a couple of hours to make an image of a Blu Ray)

    @mawcs: I Know 32 bit software will run ona 64 bit OS but until the majority of software I use comes as 64 bit I see no point in it.

    dont see the point of a 64bit os when none of the software is 64bit

    So then I just throw some high-priced electronics in my bag, take some pics, remove them, and take a bag full of clothes on my flight and hope it's lost? Pure profit.

    I currently have a tvix box attached to my tv and i have all my bought dvds as iso files which the tvix plays great.

    Two hearts inside each other is the universal sign for pedophile/girl love.

    I didn't notice any blinking. The constant graphic swipes sure were annoying though! What the hell?! And yes, good job given the SECONDS they gave you.

    @kseve: and i thought windows remote desktop connection would have won.

    I'm just curious but what is it about this site that makes it worth a post here as apposed to the millions of other image hosting sites that are around?

    Local only. If i want to share ill facebook links i think people might like.

    @lolwut?: Odd, I chose a light install option and it only takes up 20mb hard disk space - hardly bloatware.

    As I use nero for burning disks, I also use its built in image recorder - Might as well use it as I have it already installed and therefore dont need an extra prog.

    windows remote desktop connection.

    @JudiA: thats not the issue, I want to know what THEY are doing with my images if I havent given them permission to do anything with them.