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    Do they have an option for exclusion if I dont want my copyrighted material in their database?

    @fredygamer: I think you are confusing what an icon is and what a banner is.

    now they need to work on it because its becoming bloatware, a memory hog and sloooow.

    I still wonder why we are stuck having these things at the top or bottom of the screen.

    The amount of crap the print in UK "newspapers" - no I wont miss them.

    Still using ATM deluxe here, its one of the oldest and adobe stopped developing it years ago, but its still the best as far as I'm concerned - and it runs on vista.

    Is this any better that microsofts own which you can get from their website?

    ive had an account for around 3 years and never used it. I hate the ui and general look of all Googles products.

    You think £29 is "pretty steep"????? too many people want too much for free these days.

    Currently using a logitech wave which is nice (but loud). I had the G15 but trashed it. The legs are not high enough so even with them open the keyboard is almost horizontal

    FF is definately on its way out if they carry on developing it in the direction they are currently going.

    Currently using a razer diamondback and its faultless after 6 months.

    im beginning to wonder if lifehacker is sponsered by google.

    google are evil

    i compared the ie beta to FF3 2 days ago and found FF was using almost double the memory that IE was.

    Agree with what others say