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    no thanks.

    The menu system looks quite jerky to me. Is it actually like that or is it just a bad video?

    If I could buy DRM free music in the UK I would.

    currently running ie8 and ff3 and the memory use is;

    Anyone know where to add ?labs=1 to the URL to force this to work? I can't figure it out.

    Yeah, I picked up Dia for a little while, but b/c it couldn't do proper database diagrams, I didn't end up having much use for it. I'd say it's about where Gimp or Thunderbird were a few years ago - a great idea, and it'll be awesome when it matures, but it's definitely not ready for prime time yet. Here's hoping some

    Vote: Tudumo

    @Mag22: I'd like a DropBox invite if you still have some. ivoneshs at yahoo dot com

    The thing that still has me locked in to Bloglines is the email subscriptions (you forward emails to a specific address, based on rules if you want, and that address turns it into a feed in bloglines). Anybody know if there's a way to replicate that outside of bloglines? I have hundreds of these things, so I'm totally

    I use Vienna and have a question about Net News Wire that is driving me insane. I can read articles, but I cannot delete them?!? I like keeping the feed articles in their specific folders that I want to reference at a later date and trash those I don't.

    What kind of performance hit do you take by doing this?

    Man, I wish I'd read these comments BEFORE installing this POS. Same as everybody else, I installed it, hit the hotkeys, and BAM, down goes the program, then the rest of the system is frozen. Nice app.

    For the record, there's nothing "woo woo" about the subconscious mind - there are lots of well-documented, convincing studies out there that demonstrate that your mind does prepare for things in the background, during sleep or otherwise. There's plenty we don't understand about *how* our minds work, but *that* they

    One other tip that worked for me back in March - go to a store that's a little out of the way, like on the outskirts of a metro area. Not one in the middle of nowhere, where it's the only one around for miles, but one at the fringes of an area with several more prominent stores of the same kind. In my case, it was the

    Holy crap. That makes a huge difference. I can't believe I never saw that before. Thanks!

    Whoa ... this thing RULES! I just downloaded it, and this app has the most attention to detail I've seen in a long time. The keyboarding is consistent and easy, but even beyond that, the whole way the app is put together is really elegant. And it looks like the developer is pretty active and in touch with people

    The real solution here is that bacn really should be coming in as RSS feeds - pull versus push. I set filters on my email provider to forward all these types of things (plus emails from bands, web sites, etc.) to Bloglines email subscription addresses, and then read them as if they were RSS feeds. Much nicer!

    Is there a similar program like peer guardian for the Mac?

    I've been doing something similar for quite a while now, but using my email provider's forwarding to go to the Bloglines feed addresses. It's great - this is the only way I'd ever be able to get to an "inbox zero" state, with all the mailing lists I get. I've got something like 200 of these forwarders up and running

    I actually worked as a computer programming teacher in middle and high school for a while, and have taught several of the languages mentioned here (Logo, Applescript, Lego Mindstorms, etc). I also taught some Javascript and some C++ (to high schoolers, for the AP exam).