Little known fact: this is how the Forester was born.
Little known fact: this is how the Forester was born.
Please do not eat cephalopods like octopus or squid, they are far too close to the sapiency line. They are definitely self aware and able to process information at least as well as middle era hominids.
Oh god why are my vans on the front page
This is what happens after years of spaying and neutering.
Looking for a downside? How about the outrageous $700 price? Give me a break.
Looking for a downside? How about the outrageous $700 price? Give me a break.
I mean this in the most politely critical way possible. I am not setting out to be just another asshole in a comments section that makes you, as an author, hate comment sections.
“Spend your money” isn’t financial advice. It’s the equivalent of those lame pictures old white people post on Facebook that list a variety…
I love that the suggestion to this:
For the same money, why buy a so-so Hyundai crossover over a Subaru? Subaru practically defines crossover.
You should write about how sober people can meet/make new friends without having to go to church or AA/NA meetings.
Why would I want actual information about an upcoming vehicle I might be interested in when I can have all of this snark!
How about just dropping an ice-cube in?
50% of this country is also dumber than the other 50% of this country.
Hiking and camping are great but nature can be more accessible. Drive to a park in your area, leave your phone in the car, go sit on a bench, and watch nature. If you want to be adventurous, bring some seeds to scatter for the birds and squirrels.
For the naysayers, it’s not just about being good with money.
Amy Pohler is long gone and also she’s Leslie Knope
Kate McKinnon is an openly LGBT woman, and one could argue that the rhetoric of the Trump/alt-right has been more vitriolic towards those folks (actually, one hardly has to argue the point as there’s already some discussion about going after gay marriage in some circles). So no, I think Kate was the perfect choice.
Fucking hell this story is depressing. Here’s what I would do personally. I wouldn’t commit insurance fraud (have you seen what a lawyer would cost?), and I wouldn’t do a HELOC (great way to lose your house). No, I’d fucking suck it up, sell the truck for as much as I could (or negotiate with the loan company to…
The list is bullshit. For example, this: “Don’t use cruise control: You want to vary your engine’s RPM while driving during the break-in period. Cruise control is going to set the engine at one RPM.”