
Please don’t have kids.

Get over the Subaru hate. My midlife crisis is well-served by an Outback 3.6R. Handles like a car, fast, fun, comfy for my 6'3" self, and can tackle any snow covered back road.

So eat more protein, but not too much. Or ask an expert. Or something. Also, don’t get liver failure from too many heavy metals in your protein powder. Also the only diet proven to extend life is calorie restriction — specifically protein.

Vanguard Index Funds.

It’s irresponsible to suggest ANY new car in the solution. Trade that car in for a $1000 Civic and then focus on paying the debt down.

Owning a car without monthly payment is nice too.

Don’t hate. Hipsters are fun to look at. At least they aren’t boring. But they wouldn’t drive this car. Maybe an 80s vintage Audi.

WTF is that firefighter doing in the video? I mean, besides not fighting the fire.


So you do care?

That was terrible. I won’t be back to read that kind of horseshit.

Americans are too fat to look over their shoulder.

Then Welcome to Never Retiring!

It has a terrible rate of return.

There was a final Civic lap at 35.3 sec.

Bicycle with some warm weather gear?

Hiring? I will disagree with you daily.

Rubber mallet. No hammer.

Don’t hate the Earth.

Don’t hate the Earth.