Framing American “socialism” and capitalism as intrinsically opposed is super dumb! Stoppit!
Framing American “socialism” and capitalism as intrinsically opposed is super dumb! Stoppit!
This was a bad date. She had a horrible date with a clueless guy who thought he was being sexy and hot. She was made to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn’t right.
The story reads to me like a groupie dissatisfied she was treated like a groupie.
So this is pretty much what we expected out of the #MeToo movement right?
Yet every decision she made, she kept allowing herself to stay in that situation
You’re kidding. You think that we’re aiming to get to a place where every single sex act (and there are so many! and so many degrees!) cannot be enacted without the back-and-forth transaction of asking permission and giving consent?
She did not give consent and he had sex with her. Legally and morally, that’s rape.
Two problems with this story (or really one combined major problem):
My god... he didn’t force himself on her. That line seriously needs to be change. He didn’t rape her, and didn’t do anything like that. He was pushy, and sexually assertive/aggressive. That is not rape. She could have left. He is guilty of being horny and pushy about it too early. Instead of leaving she literally…
The thing about the Aziz Ansari allegations, whether they’re accurate or not, is that so many of us can relate to a guy trying 50-leven times to convince you to have sex and because you don’t explicitly say NO, he keeps trying, despite your discomfort.
Why didn’t she simply walk out? Why did she blow him? This is clearly a consensual sexual encounter she later regretted. “I didn’t really want to do it, but I did anyway” is not sexual misconduct.
Honestly, y’all should just get over this one and stop trying to patent your culture. This sort of “appropriation” will always happen. It’s like technology, it will go where it goes, you cannot really stop it.
Exactly and thank you. Franken didn’t engage in work place harassment and assault, and he champions women. He denies some of the allegations, and I have no doubt that the R’s are playing us and finding women to do and say things that aren’t true.
I hate to be right here but, I called it.
Side note: It’s fucking depressing that Mark Zuckerberg has more support than Kamala Harris alone and Amy Klobuchar and Gillibrand combined. And I don’t even particularly care for those politicians.
This is getting beyond ridiculous.
Why is it that the only comments displayed are ones that agree with the Author? Some others made a good point but clearly Jezebel hivemind must continue on. Dodai your articles normally rock but this is giving off vibes like the NPR yellow cake article.
I kind of wonder what it's like to be a black person who isn't interested in any of those things and have white people constantly telling you that those things are a part of your identity and you should be so attached to them that you get mad when white people try to take them from you.
Am I the only person who thinks it would be helpful to stop defining racial boundaries in terms of clothing and dance moves and fingernails? Saying "these clothes are for black people," "these dance moves are for black people," "this manicure is for black people" is far more cringe-inducing than a pop star with bad…