
First they came for our transmissions, and I did not speak out—

A wagon.

The airlines have brought the carry-on annoyance upon themselves.

No argument from me regarding how the car drives, thats a proven thing. My main issue is the looks. Looks matter to me. I love the GRT performance, but hate the looks. Id never drive one because of that. Miata in the same category as far as Im concerned. Great to drive, not so great to look at. But Mazda has

France wins guy... sorry, it's rare, but we win... and by far :)

I dont get it. Unless you're MANUALLY shifting the gears with a third pedal, it's an automatic.

Came here to say this. An automatic has a torque converter. If it doesn't have a torque converter it isn't an 'automatic'. There are really three different types of transmissions.

Realistically there needs to be three terms now, Automatic, Semi-Automatic, and Manual.

what they need to do is drop in the 2.0 ecoboost with the same power as the focus ST + the 6spd manual and call it the "SVT Fusion"

I've spent hours with the tech demo, there are mods out there for custom maps and vehicles which really make this game 1,000 times better (the engine is great, but who wants to drive exclusively 10,000+ pound vehicles)?

Yeah, mass being irrelevant to cornering is.. Well, let's say that would be a revelation in every paddock I've ever been to! Tire grip is a function of weight, but it's not a proportional relationship. Double the weight does not provide double the grip.. In effect, the lighter the car, the higher the lateral

There's a surprise lurking in all of this: it doesn't matter how much the car weighs! The needed centripetal force depends on the car's mass, which is related to its weight. The more mass your car has, the more centripetal force you need. But the more mass your car has, the more friction you get, and the more the

a fool and his or her money are soon parted even more quickly with the advent of the internet.

This is what happens when city folk see country folk getting the job done in a way that looks unsafe. Stupid blog posts.

This shit angers me beyond capably organizing words into sentences of substance. Some people just need to be ended..

So much this. I'm a little embarrassed for people who blame the racism of 50+ years ago. Or even more pathetic, the "fractured auto industry once they got here." In 2-3 generations these people can't adapt? The definition of helpless.

Ah you're right, the people at the bottom shouldn't blame themselves for the position they're in, it's the people at the top who keep them there (a "dog-whistle" racist reference to white people).

Dat 911 (really dat everything, but dat 911 the most).

This is why Detroit will never come back. The city is a concentration of several hundred thousand hopelessly illiterate people who are stuck in this cyclical life of crime, ignorance, corruption and devastation. I wish I had a solution but I'm not even sure a solution exists. Never in American history has a city like