
At some point, the Easter Eggs stop being Easter Eggs and just become cheesy. I think that Jeep's designers have found that point.

Now it's starting to feel a bit forced. One or two of these would be clever, wink-and-nod humorous, but this is pushing things well beyond the envelope of subtlety.

Whatever one I'm on.

This is why I say DUI/DWI (depending on state), should be considered Premeditated Murder (Murder 1). I don't care who you are, we all know the dangers of driving while intoxicated. Sadly, this person, if caught, will probably go down for involuntary manslaughter. Probably spending less than a year in jail. He will

Here's to hoping this asshole gets slowly raped to death.

I think this is definitely a 95+ model - the cab proportions and rear fender details (crease above wheel arch esp) are different.

Then apparently you missed the subtext of the article: the machines are producing bad parts and, being machines, didn't know it.

Keselowski is a prime example of why I really dislike NASCAR. You fucked up, kid. You. Fucked. Up. Own the up that you fucked and get on with the racing.

So lord A_Locomotive the invincible, king of all roads, master of traffic, YOU are the one who says who may and may not pass you? YOU have your own determinant of how many people you're being an a-hole towards before you do as you should?

Left lane is for passing or upcoming turns from that lane.
That's it.
To troll someone on the road and film it to the point that an accident is caused is the fault of both parties.
They're lucky no one was seriously injured.

That makes you STILL part of the problem.

Therefore you are selfish impediment.

A_Locomotive, you are part of the problem.

You have it wrong. If you aren't passing, get out of the left lane. You are blocking, preventing other people from passing.

Your argument makes no sense. You say that the law states, "MOVE OVER IF YOU ARE NOT GOING FASTER THAN THE REST OF TRAFFIC."
So if the traffic behind you is trying to go FASTER THAN YOU, then MOVE OVER. The law doesn't say to only move over if you are going faster than SOME of the traffic.

It doesn't matter if she was doing the speed limit, or going 100 over speed limit. Left lane is for PASSING! It's a universal law. Exists in every single country (different in RHD market of course). Unless there is bumper-to-bumper traffic in every lane or you plan to make a left turn, GET OUT OF THE LEFT LANE!

If you are in the left lane, then by definition you should let others pass. Just because you are going over the limit, it doesnt give you the right to police the roads. .

Woman: Is that Doug DeMuro hiding in the bushes over there?