I suspect most of the blockage is because of religion. It's religion that is the problem. Religion is the biggest weapon of mass destruction EVER on so many levels.
I suspect most of the blockage is because of religion. It's religion that is the problem. Religion is the biggest weapon of mass destruction EVER on so many levels.
You guys need to check out Kate Bush. She has written, produced and basically engineered most of her recordings. Go listen to some of her stuff from the Hounds of Love album or the Sensual World. I am in love with her 2005 album Aerial. Incredible pieces of work.
Good call. Noted.
This is because they (Texans) feel that all females genitals and sexuality should be controlled by Texas men.
Texas, just fucking leave the USA and start your own fucking country already. The rest of us are sick of your Old Timey ways. Go play with your guns and play cowboys, and be the backwards ass country so we all can have a giggle at you from time to time.
Doesn't a boss needing to know about your sex life sort of a creeper? How do you keep them from using that info against you in other ways? The people who want laws like this are the ones usually with super freaky weird skeletons in their closets. These are the people that need to have every second and inch of their…
How do you know is was the first time?
So holding a deadly weapon made for only one thing, killing another human being is OK. But wearing a sexy outfit is not! No wonder we have so many shootings in this country.
Stupid Fox Fucks. Gun Violence is the biggest problem in the USA. Chrissy is right and all of FOX and silly dumb ass gun loving repubs are ruining this country.
I just puked all over my Martha Stewart place mats.
If anyone votes republican they are not of sound mind. We are still paying for and digging out of the mess Bush got us in. Last thing we need are ANY republicans ever again. I wish for many young people to vote this mid term. Time to put repubs away for ever.
Shouldn't there be a law where you have to take a "Am I Stupid" test to see if your are smarter than Maureen Dowd. If you pass the test you can buy weed. If not you get shipped back to where you came from. Also, drain cleaner will kill kids, so will alcohol, so will... well guns.. are they illegal? NOPE! It's more of…
Something seriously wrong with that last cat at the end. Seems like a tease.
Greta is starting to look more like a Gary in drag.
All the pictures of rappers look like they are ready to fight you. Heres and idea, go take you macho pissed off energy and go to the mid east and fight ISIS. Get it out of your system. Let's see how bad ass they really are.
Also, why do rappers always look like they are pissed at you? Enough already.
I have reached my By and J-Z ceiling. Can they please go away now. Ooh, and Bah Humbug. Xmas stuff is out. It's Monday and it's raining.
It's time to GOP supporting rich. For good. Pitchforks and torches coming to gated neighborhoods. Rich having to pay 40k a month just for security is coming.
I really dig this, thank you.
Thank God. Finally the court system worked.