
Politicians don't want it legal, because it would hurt the private prison biz. They give $ to them.

The DEA are nothing but a bunch of criminals that lie and frame other people and ruin lives. They all should be outed and society treat them how they have treated others.

Umm, when I'm driving I see more adults over 30 and 40 being much more dangerous. Especially the corporate types who can't seem to disconnect from their biz while driving. They are more dangerous than some. Notice I said SOME, drunk drivers.

Our family will not be paying for college for our kids if they plan on joining a frat or a sorority.

Why would you even bring that horrible monster Hitler into the picture. Unless you like him for some reason. Look I don' t like Ted Cruz for his little stunt he pulled on the American people.

Your a total idiot asshole who can't commit more than calling someone a tard. Maybe we should list a bunch of videos of other people who have called others a 'tard" and link you to it.

Yeah, this is great. Love this, hate that Ted Cruz TRAITOR. Yes Ted you , you halting of government baby. You actually think Obamacare is going away. It. Is. Not. Ever! You are going to take away health care from almost 13 million Americans and think your going to get voted into office.? Good god you are a day


Texas in for one hell of a hangover when they wake up and find they have been sleeping with the likes of Ted Cruz. What a disgusting man along with his politics. He is a traitor to our country and should be treated as such.

Ugh, Keep religion out of our politics. Can't wait till these fuckheads die off already.

Hey everyone,

I hope you really got something that made you feel better about yourself over that.

Your welcome to leave and never come back.

Whats the difference between this and something you would get at a NY Deli? Nothing!

Or Manhattan. Talk about a shit hole.

For just the quip about Italian food in this post, I challenge Gawker to a taste test. Boston or New York or wherever you wish, vs. The Hill in Saint Louis. I have been to Little Italy, and some fine restaurants in NY, and it was really really good. However, I have been to restaurants on The Hill. And I have to say I

You started drinking too early.

I totally agree with KeevaS

If anyone, I mean anyone listens to this guy, or follows him. Can't they be locked up in a psych ward for 72 hours?

Now I do remember that. I totally forgot. Our military should of kicked him the fuck out and told him never to come back again. What a sensationalistic whore of a man.