
I shouldn’t even get excited. It won’t come to the US.

This is a post for CRIMINALS!!

What is that checkered pattern? Is that CF?

Those look like new headlights


Thats....The joke.

I hate seeing american motors in Porsche’s.

HA. Hey, what works. Used to live in Rockland.

GPS tagged in the image right?

Have you read the book The Innovators Dilemma?


Good guess, but nope.

They’re pretty big. Lens makes it look even bigger.

Used to have a 996 GT2. That thing was scary. Had no traction control. Wonder how it compares to the 997 GT2.

I thought it was already confirmed. He must’ve mentioned something in a post.

...Is that Steven Avery driving that bugatti?

Good idea!

You could remove it, just a sticker.

It didn’t?

That makes sense. The front is especially bubbly. CVK says if you pay them enough money, they’ll build you a helicopter. I’d pay them to put the Regera drive train into an Agera body.