Is there a typo on the 100-0 braking numbers? Because 306 is less than 313
Is there a typo on the 100-0 braking numbers? Because 306 is less than 313
He was CEO of two of the largest auto conglomerates in the world, “whacked” on at least partially political grounds, and then fled Japan in an instrument case. People I know who can’t even tell a Versa from an Altima know about this guy and are talking about him.
And neither qualifies as “showing his ass”
Jalopink seems to think that if they publish nonsense once, they can use that previous article as a source to pretend like it’s true forever.
It’s easy to say that they could have, but important to note that until he showed up, no one did.
The sad part too is that he’s doubling down on his terrible logic/mistakes. A whole bunch of people called him out in his copy/paste of Reuters yesterday and the only response he had to the comments was ignoring the criticism. Then he has the audacity to link back to that article like he didn’t completely mis-character…
Yep. I really wish Raph would stop covering the Ghosn stuff because it’s clear it’s not something he’s capable of covering objectively for whatever reason. “I’m going to die in prison” and “I should have taken that other job that I turned down” are not only reasonable but logically correct positions for someone who…
“Ghosn did not implicate Shinzō Abe and the entirety of Japan’s conservative government, which bummed me out as it would have been very juicy.”
“Get it so Americans don’t need a car at all.”
The office of the Michigan congresswoman cited a May 2019 AAA survey showing only 16% of Americans said they would consider buying an electric vehicle because most consumers were concerned about purchase price, repair costs and battery reliability.
What were you listening to?
lol Jalop covers this saga endlessly for months, then writes almost a blurb about it at the climax that focuses on one off color remark without paying attention to any of the rest.
I assume it’s all “short staffing”... Nobody’s got time to listen to the real stream event, so they just summarize another site’s synopsis of a blogger’s Cliff’s Notes of a text message from a girlfriend that watched part of it on a window open at her work PC.
Raph’s flat wrong.
WOW. Is this you got all out of this amazing interview? No wonder people think media is little better than propaganda.
asdkfjdk my GOD woman, get your head out of your ass. Sarah, you write shitty teen romance YA, you’re not out here writing the next Booker Prize novel. Of course a college junior, who is presumably in her twenties and you know, at university to challenge herself academically, wants to read something with more…
It’s also been rumored to be called the “Mach E,” which sounds like someone from Boston asking for “Marky.”
Those aren’t bugs, those are features.
Can we address the bigger issue here? Can we stop with the recommended/recent videos auto playing on every single page?