I wish I loved the Regera’s design, bc the tech is dope. But visually, it feels soft.
I wish I loved the Regera’s design, bc the tech is dope. But visually, it feels soft.
Just get it painted body color. Done and done!
Fun fact: Wait, that’s not fun at all!
Fun fact, it’s not actually the literal tip being chopped. There’s a whole unfolding procedure, and it’s cut below the tip.
Not to be a dick, but who is he again? I can only find information about Captain America.
The LED’s are integrated into the canards. Pretty clever.
Can we walk around the city? Or is that banned?
I used to own that model camaro. I’ve been to Sears point n big willow springs. Brakes only faded on the last lap. Before then they worked extremely well. So I don't buy his brake fade story.
Off topic- Whatever happened to the Bill Caswell movie?
Why not just use the steel cage and aluminum sheeting?
Interesting. I wonder why they used both.
To clarify. You want to counter sue based on a stereotype not being accurate?
“Ford will multiple people...”
Ah I remember when I had this shirt!
Can confirm. My father thought that. And he’s retarded.
Nearly every manufacturer says “up to X mpg.” This is just a stupid jalopnik hater post.