
My thoughts exactly. Everything in that house is a pile of destroyed garbage that looks like it went through a nuclear apocalypse, but somehow all the games survived unscathed in random piles of junk. The guy was a hoarder that obviously didn’t take care of his stuff, but for some reason he kept his games factory

Destiny is one of the worst examples of the modern game market. I played the first and had a real swell time.

That’s entirely fair, I think. Like I said in a different comment in this thread - I tend to approach Destiny like a TV show, in that I give it a couple hours a week, so it’s something I ‘come back to’ as comfort food, rather than ‘the only game I play’. But I don’t know that I’d be able to play it like that if I

Yes!  I feel the same way.  We played Warframe in the early days of PS4 pretty religiously.  And then we stopped when the grind got boring (because it does!) and when we came back it was the same “Holy shit.  What’s even going on anymore?” feeling.  I think that’s just a “games as service” quirk that you have to

For me personally, it’s a little from column A and a little from column B. The grind of just endlessly slaughtering the same minions ad nauseum wears thin over time. Despite the impeccable gameplay and the spectacle of it all. That’s fun for a while. But it’s not substantial enough to take my time away from other

Me and my best friend have lived states apart since I started college, graduated college, started grad school, graduated grad school, moved to another state, got married, and had a kid (due in March). The only thing that keeps our friendship alive and connected is video games and the only video game that has remained

It is the guns. I rarely play anymore these days, and any time I come back there is too much new stuff for me to absorb, and I had to realize a long time ago that I simply do not have the time to “git gud” at this.
But the gunplay... it is just amazing. It feels right. It felt good with D1 on Xbox. It feels perfect

Yes, but I NEED those specific nouns and verbs added. The entire game is proper nouns

Destiny has always been (and I include the first with the second) the most gorgeous, absolutely best-feeling gunplay game with really fucking cool lore, but the most shallow story experience.

Some Light Bullshit happened, then some Darkness Bullshit came in to counter the Light Bullshit, then an alien told you that you have to get some Object Bullshit to stop the Darkness Bullshit, but you were only partially successful so now the Darkness Bullshit is still around and new Darkness Bullshit looms on the

I wish I could still love Destiny. I was absolutely excited about it when it was announced. My wife and I had been playing it since the original Destiny’s alpha.  We bought two launch PS4s so we could play it together. And we did play it a lot.  But right around the time it took us to get through Destiny 2 we were

I dropped off of D2 hard about two years ago but I always keep getting the urge to come back. Playing daily from the first Destiny 1 expansion all the way up to Forsaken gave me absolute burnout, but now I'm very interested in coming back. I think I'll hop on with the Witch Queen expansion next year. Seems like a good

I had to quit cold turkey. D2’s first year made that kind of easy. I do miss it and keep up with the story elements but I know if I download it again my life will be in shambles. 

They did have a police pursuit system but disabled it with the day one patch because, like you said, it was super janky and unpolished. There are actually videos showing it in an unpatched version of the game. CP really needed another year of polish and the last-gen versions should have been canceled entirely. The

Is the update that you can get one in stores now?

I mean, this movie is absolutely being marketed towards the Japanese obsessed (there’s literally a moment in which anime is being projected on a building during an action sequence).

I don’t know who that is, but she sounds hideous

But what if I’m feeling hungry...

I think the devs went for character switching just to give them more storytelling angles and make it more fun for themselves to develop the game... especially for the heist-missions having an ensemble cast is more fun. I get it, and it didn’t bother me too much - there’s just so much game there that any longer pause in

So basically if you played on PC you already played it.