
Please don’t retire Nathan 3.0, because that’s Nathan’s gosh darn kid and I need that game in my life. In like... 2024.

I would have been 100% certain that was just a joke if you hadn’t put the youtube video there...and even then I’m still kinda on the fence about it lol.

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Don’t forget the Koopabackdashwaveslide Hoverwalkmoonland.

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Justin Wong vs. Yipes is still one of my favorite FGC videos of all time (and it was 14 years ago? Yipes):

I guess you can say that Justin Wong... took Roundhouse for a ride.

The best part was watching his soul slowly crack apart and fall to the floor on stream when he realized he fucked up and called out the wrong person while being turned into an MvC2 combo/tech video on live stream. The icing on the cupcake is that he blocked the FT15 video behind his sub pay wall. Dude with all the

Put up or shut up bro. I’ll play your punk ass for any amount, you fuckin’ sorry piece of shit. You and Fanatiq. Any amount bro, you fuckin’ suck bro. Just because I lost to Justin? C’mon bro, knock it the fuck off bro.”

I’ll save everyone the time and just generate some comments for this:

“Take Two has every right to go after these guys and protect their IP.”
“Ugh, I was looking forward to this”
“These guys were dumb for spending time on a project like this.”
“Why can’t companies just chill out and let fans be fans?”
“The writing was on

Amen. Give us Bully, you cowards!

And the motorcycle mission. Unless we love hearing “ all you have to do is follow the damn train CJ” over and over again.

As ridiculous and abhorrent as all of the people involved are, I like the idea of giving them a little playpen in which to do whatever they like, corralling all the worst things into one spot to keep the others more clean.  Out in IRL we call that Florida.

This is such an ignorant reply. Of course they can fix the drifting issue, it’s a physical issue due to lazy R&D and lackluster QA. 

The Joy-Cons appear unchanged, and will be interchangeable with ones you already own.”

All I’ll say is DoA3 and Halo were probably the Xbox games I played the most those first few years of its life. Nothing beat pulling off Ryu’s ridiculously-long-input pile driver combo. Of course the real answer is Soul Caliber. Tekken and VF be damned!

Some money got laundered.  

Except POGO is based on another popular game they developed. 

Honest question for people that do want a Marauders show: why?

A backlog is no different than those shirts or shoes in your closet you just stopped wearing for no particular reason. You are no beholden to the things you own. It’s your money, if you bought something because it was cheap without having any real intention of playing it, that’s FINE. If you bought something with