To answer your question: gotta go fast, bro.
To answer your question: gotta go fast, bro.
I’m beyond impressed with this. It looks like this person understands thoroughly where sonic’s 3d potential lies.
There’s must be some mistake. How is a show called Fucked by My Best Friend not listed under ecchi? Honestly it sounds like the plot of a hentai.
Also, All Might finally made me realize why people love Superman. I wished DC went back to that, a Superman that is like All-Might, an honest embodiment of heroism and courage, rather than the cynical “edgy” versions we’ve been flooded by recently (Synder, Injustice, etc.).
I can’t fault him for agreeing to take such a payout in this instance, however it is an example of the global issue of executive pay relevant to that of employees, as well as the wealth gap in general.
We need laws setting CEO income caps. We’ve passed the point of absurd. Fuck this, fuck the rich, and fuck anyone who defends the idea that a single human “deserves” this level of wealth while the rest of the country plummets through one once-in-a-lifetime economic crash after another.
Please don’t buy this if you’re only interested in the Stadia portion of it. Stadia won’t last, you have to pay for the games and the subscription and then Google will likely axe it since it hasn’t performed as they expected it to and laid off all of their game devs that had been working on projects for Stadia. …
Please don’t buy this if you’re only interested in the Stadia portion of it. Stadia won’t last, you have to pay for…
Look, their output was abysmal. Yes they dropped some barn burners but they were few and very far between with a lot of stuff that really never came out anywhere but Japan.
Sony says they’re restructuring, but if people are just flat out leaving, then they’re doing something that alot of people don’t agree on, and Sony is attempting damage control. And based off that Twitter message, alot of the Sony devs are maybe getting tired of all their stuff being Exclusive all the time.
Pure business talk. They see little value in the Japan Studio so they are shuffling funding and talent elsewhere, if I’m to hazard a guess, likely the NA operations.
Well, if you as a company wants to continue to make money, you hire someone who knows how to make money.
...this is like hiring someone that won big on a sports bet to consult on team management....
This is probably mostly because I never played CoD (didn’t appeal to me, please don’t fight me), but I always found calling the CoD secrets where you have to do things in an order to do something “Easter Eggs” a bit of a misnomer. I realize we didn’t have the name for it then, but they’re basically escape room…
The amount of whitewashing of pre-Trump bullshit that the last four years have allowed is just going to get worse. It doesn’t help that most people don’t understand shit about history from the 10 years before they were born to the present.
I seriously still struggle to understand how simply interviewing more diverse candidates is too burdensome.
He’s never going to finish A Song of Ice and Fire, is he? Not that I can really blame him, given the reaction to the show’s end.
Yeesh that school shooter take. A fair amount of school shootings are perpetrated by kids/teens, his answer is just... Shoot them first?
I mean, the game was pretty fucked already given how Rowling is making money off of it via licencing and likely residuals too and the best management could give as a response was “well she’s entitled to her views”... which makes sense now.
“Not that they endorse anything that I’ve said, of course, but at least they seem more concerned with making good games than with pushing some kind of a social justice agenda, so there is hope.”