Can we thank her from the comment section? Because, thank you from the comment section. You’ve been producing some of the most important work on the internet, Riot should pay you just for cleaning out their closet.
Can we thank her from the comment section? Because, thank you from the comment section. You’ve been producing some of the most important work on the internet, Riot should pay you just for cleaning out their closet.
Was this a campaign press release? I'm curious as to how one can write an entire article on Sen. Harris about the jail system without any analysis of her role in keeping them filled with black and brown people.
Not just 17 games, international expansion and they don't even get lifetime health insurance!
I suffer from want to like Kojima games, because he's an auteur syndrome. I haven't beaten one since Solid and yet I tried and bought them all. This review is for me. I will pass.
I will always be team Fahey. You are a legend. You even ungreyed me personal;ly years ago. I know you have a job to do, and thank God Spanfeller hasn’t gutted Kotaku like he’s done with Deadspin and Splinter. But as a loyal member of the commentariant, I have a job to do on these Blizzard articles as well. Liberate…
I’m pretty chill. I also read splitscreen because watching it usually isn’t an option. It might seem idiotic and at this point, it’s moot, but transcripts are super helpful.
The story doesn’t ever admit that it’s the Kurds and by the end, you’re glad they didn’t.
Free Deadspin. Revolution of our time!
Can you publish your list for those of us that have time to read, but not watch a 50 minute video? ✊🏿
chonky boi is best boi.
You don't know the first thing about contract law or PR if you think they're going to sue.
Anyone who uses merely in a sentence is up to some heinous shit.
Stephen A Smith is the Steve Harvey of Not Stephen Colbert's.
So say we all! I just ended my WoW sub and uninstalled BNET for the first time in decades.
I’ve had a mac my whole life. Outside of consoles, I’ve lived in the entire Blizzard ecosystem since I was a kid. I just uninstalled bnet and canceled my sub for WoW classic.
Any recommendation for competitive digital card games for OSX/Android? I’ve been on Hearthstone exclusively, was looking at getting a PC just for MTG:A, and am now uninstalling and never playing it again. I’m not a pro, but I’m a monthly high ranked player and I’ll never boot this up again.
Target Demo here: I would buy that Uchia bookbag with 0 Michael B. Jordan promotion. Gita, I love your writing but, stop pocket watching. Some of us Can in fact afford this AND will also support our hobby going from something you were mocked for 20 years ago, to a-list actor, high-fashion. Progress! It’s a good thing.…
Derrick Rose should be this entire list.
Weekend visitation Twitter is going to be furious with this woman... for getting pregnant...