
Did you ever Play Psi-Ops the Mindgate Conspiracy? 1st great game with telekinesis. If so, will this scratch my itch? I’ve been looking for a sequel forever and Infamaous isn’t quite there.

Everyonealways forgets Amil.

Yup, this just made me tear up. Between this and the handmaid's tale finale, I've been bawling on my dad shit today. Kids are the best. 

Maybe, just maybe, Rapitalism isn't the vehicle for black liberation. 

Luda and LL Cool J not making this list is disrespectful. I won’t argue the order, but that's nuts to me. 

So lawsuits inbound right? Even though there's likely nothing to recover. 

Is Rose going to be the starting PG in Detroit? That deal, made me think backup. 

Pretty much. They get to play both sides so they're safe no matter which Republican wins! 

Yeah, it would be a monster if I had nothing else to compare it to. It's king of the coffee shop tho so 🤷🏿‍♂️

Even though my job paid for most of it, I'm now salty I have a 3200 dollar macbook pro instead of this. 

I’ve been waiting an unreasonable amount of my life for Darkstalkers to get the multimedia reboot it deserves. I’m sad too. 

In NYC under the shadow of a broken KD is my guess.

Capcom looked at your list and didn’t see them either. :( 

That you for telling me this. I’m hoarding weapons and avoiding fights that I’d dive into just because I’m trying to keep decent ones. I haven’t played in 6 months, but want to dive back in without the anxiety.

Not everyone, just white people. I literally stumped my liberal ass homie, when I asked him what a white person could do that would be racist outside of calling blacks nigger or saying I hate black people? He couldn’t even justify that there’d be anything else that he’d call racist.

I’ve been screaming this since George Zimmerman got off. Whites know that this is their shot to get racism back and they will literally kill our children, and blame them for it to take it.

I See Eiw think this drubbing was a joke. 

Right? I'd sooner expect a Demon Souls re master. 

Throwing down walls is can be super useful, or totally useless like Gibraltar. 

Jason, you sure your last name isn't Vorhees? You're a franchise serial killer.