
Eh, that wasn’t even a dealbreaker. See Stallworth, Dante

So i’m one of thooose people. I loved Red Dead Revolver, but never played redemption. Is there any overlap outside of being set in the same general world? I plan on playing though before the new one drops, just curious.

Greece has always had a fascist vs. communist problem. It’s not surprising.

Bro, I know people who have been article 15'd out of the military in WEEKS.

No problem. If they’re not screening for it, they’re not trying. They know they’re being infiltrated. The problem is, that they don’t care enough to DO something about it.

The FBI has been reporting about this for over a decade. Even the military has released multiple reports about their threat assessment and white nationalist outrank terrorist every single time. At this point, it seems like a feature, not a glitch. It’s true for both law enforcement and the military and it’s not new

To be fair, LeBron stans are unreasonable too. I have a co-worker that refuses to accept that LBJ is the best player of his ERA. He has to insist that he’s the best of any era, despite having never seen MJ, Kareem or Russell play. It’s infuriating.

Hell, i’m not even hearing it about Mike Coulter A.K.A. Luke Cage. His wife is Lilly White, I’ve read no think pieces.

2 of em, with an Italian chick.

You see it.

I’m also not here for it, because i’m already seeing extra spicy takes about Glover having a white lover and interracial children. This all feels like Hotep bait and i’m not here for it. Celebrate the art. Celebrate the artist. Don’t worship any of these niggas, you’ll be disappointed.

Can’t even treat an animal like that. It’d attack you. If the student lashes out, they probably die.

I wish he had this smoke for Trump when it came to his voting record. War hero or not, McCain kicked off this whole shit when he breathed life into Palin and the Tea Party. He created a monster and it’s outliving him and he feels bad about it. Not bad enough to do anything about it mind you, just bad enough to let the

4. America won. We got to finally hear someone call out the press for its complicity in this bullshit AND someone call members of the Trump administration liars to their faces and they had to sit there an take it the way they’re used to giving it. Also, Aunt Coulter is here to stay. 53%...never forget.

I’m done having faves. It’s over. No point. They’re all trash. If you never have hero’s you never have to worry about them letting you down.

Any more details you can provide on what went down? Like if they were actually expected to sleep with these scumbags?

To be fair, they didn’t do it for the women. Virginia McCaskey thinks cheerleaders are whores who tempt married players. She did it out of puritanical spite.

We still don’t actually know that there wasn’t sex. We just no they weren’t explicitly TOLD to have sex. The cheerleaders still want to be anonymous for good reason. If any of them hooked up at any of these events will likely only come out in discovery.

Thanks! There’s a whole community of us out here. Amazing that the church would rather abandon us than modernize.

You can do that last chapter in less than an hour with no additional preparation. It’s dumb easy for a FF game.