
Piggybacking on this, sorry. From birth through early adulthood, I was groomed to be a pastor in the SBC. I preached my 1st service at youth sunday at age 12. As I grew older, and my biblical studies deepened, I started asking very uncomfortable questions. Particularly regarding, race, religion and sexuality.

This is brilliant and I wish you guys had a faith vertical for us folks who are more inclined to Ecclesiastical conversations. I want to hear more about your time in divinity school and how you ended up here. I suspect we travelled similar roads.    

It’s on CR, really digging it. Turns out the SAO formula doesn’t require Kirito at all, the world is diverse and so are the possible stories.

All the time Kweli got for Twitter these days and not a word towards his boy...

I don’t even like T.I. but Kanye should never be allowed to speak without T.I. there to offer a point by point “you sound high as fuck” rebuttal. Where is Common when Ye needs him? Lupe? I know Rhymefest been told us what’s up, but there has to be a Chicago Rapper group chat that’s cursing him out right now.

Damn, basically just wrote this! PREACH!


Qwhite unsurprising.

Is she back? I thought she was canceled.

This is good Kinja.


Less desirable being the black of Asia!

The Kelly Stans are real and they are Legion(s).

I don’t understand this new wave of “My Fave Can’t Be Wrong”. You can like Issa Rae and think that she wrote a bunch of classist, racist bullshit and sold it as a joke. It’s not mutually exclusive. We don’t tolerate “Issa joke” when we don’t like the comic. We shit on Amy Schumer for her racist jokes. How about we

I don’t cape for T.I. But Goddam did he not say what literally every Black Person (who doesn’t support this fuckshit) was thinking. Like dude really didn’t hold back one bit. I’m glad someone disses this shit on wax. Happier that it was on a Kanye track defending it.

Wow. Thanks. This is disgusting.

Even if you’re ok with what she said about black men, are we gonna flex like she didn’t shit all over Filipinos and promote colorism even in her joke? Filipinos are the blacks of Asia and therefore don’t count is offensive as hell. You can love black women, hate R.Kelly, Cosby and not buy the new Ye AND think that

Does the man who was falsely imprisoned for almost 4 years have legal recourse? What about the rest of them? Do they have standing for a class action law suit? Hit them in their operating budgets.

To hell with Cosby, but I feel terrible for the rest of that cast. This also likely kills A Different World syndication and he wasn’t even in that.