
Do you have any idea of what that titan armor is? Want for sunbro.

Are all those fallout shelters that we built completely useless too?

This is Metroid 2 all over again. What I don’t get is why they don’t just call this something else and release it? Folks are hungry for these types of games. In a day this will just be played by archivist.

Bummed shadow didn’t do a followup album to this. The sequel without him wasn’t the same.

This is a big ass picture of Paris from Ikea. My wife made me hang it up after I threw an apple at the wall following one of Jay’s snatching defeat from the jaws of victory interceptions. If you look closely, you can still see apple spatter on the edges. Why not paint it You say? Because every time I get excited about

I walked miles for a phantom haunter. Fitting really.

Is there a single system working as intended in this game? I’m forgiving on new games, but this is a mess.

That is good Kinja.

Any time I feel bad about Chicago I am reminded that Rio is still a thing.

2 beers and a shot and at 200 lbs it’s still a .045

This is perfect for me! I never got to finish Bioshock on my old roomates 360. Didn’t buy the next two, because I’m incapable of skipping entries in a series and by the time Infinite dropped I had already migrated to the PS4. It’s kinda a bummer that we can treat video games like movies and wait for the cheaper

If i’m a Dragon Age guy and i’ve never played anything in this series, would I like it? Can I start with 3? Any related media that could give me a primer into this world? I’ve heard such great things, but i’m a bit wary of just jumping in.

So I totally thought this was a destiny article at first glance. I was really excited about that titan armor. I think I need help.

It’s June, this drops in September. Shoot away.

Broke and entitled? You must be very popular.

Except at the guard position.

Did he make the right choice? SA looks older by the second and this squad with LMA? Who knows?

Magic was on the receiving end of both of the greatest layups of all time.

So Lyanna is totally the Knight of The Laughing Tree right?

First they came for the Gap and I did nothing...